Debunked: CO2-Myth --- See tanks without carbon dioxide fertilization

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Do you have any remote clue of high school science? It is extremely similar. In fact plants and human energy is the same chemical: ATP, as well as very similar cell structures. Try and spin the most respected health publishing agency on the earth fishbum.

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:ROFL: ok... you have now convinced me that 30ppm of CO2 is harmful for plants.
Nothing has been debunked here.
:ROFL: ok... you have now convinced me that 30ppm of CO2 is harmful for plants.
Nothing has been debunked here.

30? That's kinda light, in my tanks :)

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:ROFL: ok... you have now convinced me that 30ppm of CO2 is harmful for plants.
Nothing has been debunked here.

Plants and humans are completely different. To make the comparison is not a good argument.

It's not at all the same thing Harley. No matter how you try to spin it.

Now, Please refer to my quoted post, and please do not make remarks on subjects you do not know anything about.
Good thing is we can all enjoy fishkeeping and planting, no matter what.


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Of course you can have super densly planted tank without co2 ,it will last a week & your plant supplier will get very rich ! :D

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Well, either way, I see some great looking pictures of great looking tanks here. My suggestion is build your own CO2. It's cheap and easy! Then you will find out if CO2 is your limiting resource. Here are a couple of my planted tanks from back in 2000. I used a 2 liter bottle and an airstone to do co2. It seemed to help, but I did not really do a scientific study on it.


Of course you can have super densly planted tank without co2 ,it will last a week & your plant supplier will get very rich ! :D

Sent from my GT-I9003 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

Disagree with that:raspberry

No co2 liquid carbon or the like and a mere 54wt5ho The tank is 48x18x18ins.

On the flip side co2 is a requirement for many of the plants commonly seen in the aquascaping world. People forget alot of these plants are not truly aquatic and only spend 2-3 months submerged in the wild and you'll never see the same lush growth like you get in a high tech planted tank. Using co2 without understanding how to get the most out of it isnt going to work. Majority of the problem is people fail to distribute it correctly. You need a good even flow throughout the aquarium so there are no dead spots, sometimes this can take some thought especially in larger tanks. Dosing fertilisers is also a must in a co2 enriched tank something like the EI (Estimative Index) scheme works well and with its recommended %50+ weekly water changes is good for your fish aswell as the plants.
Co2 also lowers the light compensation point of the plants allowing growth under less than ideal lighting.
This is my 75 gallon planted aquarium.
It currently houses 3 Red Turquoise Discus, 5 Neon tetras, 5 Black tetras, 5 Blue & Red Tetras, 5 Lampeye tetras, about 15 infant Angelfish, 3 green Croydoras Cats & 6 infant Green Dragon Bristlenose. Amongst many variety of palnts.
Local quratz and wood are used as decoration to simulaute a somewhat Amozonian look.
I use a marineland biowheel HOT filter. 2 150 watt heaters & digital thermometer. a small powerhead for circulation on both ends of the system. The lighting is a coralife 67k and a coralife blue atintic 48in T5.
I add Brightwell planted tank additives regularly. And check my water parameters EOD.
I feed Hikari Discus Formula and a South American chilid formula. Frozen.
