Debunked: CO2-Myth --- See tanks without carbon dioxide fertilization

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
masone, nice tank! I was curious about water changes with that heavily planted tank, you said you didn't add any ferts so i guess you didn't do any vacuum cleaning?, an did all the plants mean that you're parameters (ammonia nitrite nitrate) stayed lower for longer?

Depends on total bioload vs plantload (especially species of plants, since fast-growing stem plants will uptake many more nutrients than slow growers like Anubias, etc). On my own low tech 90gal I do water changes in the neighborhood of 30-50% every 2 months or so. Given, it's also extremely heavily planted and the largest fish in there are a bunch of breeding bristlenosed plecos (I have no idea how many babies are bopping around in there ATM lol!) Ammonia and nitrites are always indetectable, nitrates stay under 10ppm (and usually under 5ppm). I don't dose with anything other than occasionally Excel since the taller plants tend to get BBA when they get up too close to the surface...

masone, nice tank! I was curious about water changes with that heavily planted tank, you said you didn't add any ferts so i guess you didn't do any vacuum cleaning?, an did all the plants mean that you're parameters (ammonia nitrite nitrate) stayed lower for longer?
I generally don't vac any of my tanks, the plants seem to take up a lot of the nutrients. I still water change but maybe 20-30% every fortnight if I am lucky. Depends on the stock and amount of plants really, my gars get once a fortnight, pbass once a week, rainbows maybe once every month and CPD tanks never.
Guys, those are some sweet-looking tanks! Thanks for sharing!

Didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone trying setting up identical setups side by side one with co2 and the other without?
If not then ill try it, I'm interested in seeing what happens, ill even do it multiple times but with different setups, like a lot of fish versus very little fish.

I have a few 5g and 10g laying around, I'll try and setting them up, what do you guys think?

I definitely believe that co2 is not needed, but i do believe that co2 will make your plants grow faster, especially when you have high lighting and a good substrate to go with it.
I had a 20g Long setup with good substrate and very good lighting and as soon as i set up the co2 (DIY) i was trimming twice as more. I mean it could be because of a bigger root system allowing the plants to grow faster over time, but i think co2 had a big part in it.
Thanks masone and lauralee, you guy got beautiful setups. I love it when people make stunning planteds without using any of the fancy CO2 rigs & ferts, just shows it can be done.
Lauralee whats Excel ? Does it help with bba eradication ? Cuz I'm currently in a battle with it and siamese algae eaters are n/a over here.
Didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone trying setting up identical setups side by side one with co2 and the other without?
If not then ill try it, I'm interested in seeing what happens, ill even do it multiple times but with different setups, like a lot of fish versus very little fish.

I have a few 5g and 10g laying around, I'll try and setting them up, what do you guys think?

I definitely believe that co2 is not needed, but i do believe that co2 will make your plants grow faster, especially when you have high lighting and a good substrate to go with it.
I had a 20g Long setup with good substrate and very good lighting and as soon as i set up the co2 (DIY) i was trimming twice as more. I mean it could be because of a bigger root system allowing the plants to grow faster over time, but i think co2 had a big part in it.

Yes indeed.... approach it like a scientist. I wanna see results.
more light = more c02= more ferts... this was not a myth debunked... there are different types of planted tanks.... i did not see any high light plants... as to me i use c02 because I'm running a high tech tank. my plants are all high tech and fast growers... which require the use of c02 to help with the in take of nutrients... I top off about 1-2 gallons each day, and change 25-50% a week.