these are my top favourite fish, yours are absolutley stunning and the finnage is very intresting. they are a lot less commonly kept and a lot less are kept till they mature well. so it is possible that this has not been noticed too much but i have a big als in my area and they have huge roseline sharks there but their fins are normal so this is quite a strange anomoly. btw i love your tank set ups they are amazing.
Wow! Those look awesome. My lfs has about 5 in a large not for sale display and they look nothing like that. They are huge but have yellow and normal looking fins. Beautiful fish, but nowhere near as nice as yours. Nice job!
Areas they still in the Discus tank? I wonder if the higher temps have any bearing
is it possible that there are 2 different sub species of this fish? breed these babies and roll in $$$$$$$ lol
I've had mines for the past 2 years and they look nothing like yours! Wish mines would grow long tails too
Thanks! I've had these for about a year and a half now. It is quite interesting since it seems like nobody else has seen them like this.
Thanks! And yup, still with the discus. The tank is set at 85 degrees and RO water, with a TDS of 40-60ppm. Could that have had an effect on the fins??
Is it even possible to breed them in the home aquarium?, last I heard it was never done. I really think you may have stumbled on to a Sub-species because if water effected it then in theory any fish could grow long flowing fins which as we all know is not true. Oh and you are very welcome.
WOW! I have 4 in my 65 that are 5-7 inches and are a few years old. My LFS has some old 7 years old roselines and mine as well as my lfs fish all look normal. You may very well have stumbled on to a sub species or some cross bred or something. Try to breed them and see what happens.
i mean, i suppose anything is possible. They are said to be from cooler streams in the wild. I'm sure keeping them in warmer water would speed up the metabolism of the fish somewhat, but i don't know if it would have any affect on finnage. that would seem more genetic.....
Either way, they look awesome!! Wish I could find some like yours
How large are your denisonii? I have noticed in the last few years that the adult size of some denisonii haven't been as large as when they first starting showing up. I have heard from some suppliers that they have been bred in asia with some other like looking barbs so this may be a result of crossbreeding. The long fins are quite striking, on your fish. Giving them an elegant look.