• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Denisonii (roselines) develop butterfly fins with age?

Hey Jose
I am a researcher, I havent seen such a fish in my life time in any wild habitats in Western Ghats( where the fish is Found)...It will be helpful for me to crack this if you can tell me whether you got it from an aquarist who sells captive bread ones or the wild ones!!!
Please let me know then i will try my best to crack this !!

Hey there,

These were purchased from a local fish store when they were small. I really have no other idea on their source. Maybe getting in touch with the fish store? http://www.aquariumdepotca.com/
I've heard about the males of some species in Cyprinidae family, often developed long flowing fins during spawning time and changed the colors. These long fins and colors usually goes away after the spawning season is over. That is my guess.
Ah the old mystery of Veil Roselines that never solved!

Still have no clue about why it happened to your roselines and not others' roselines.
I've had about 30 over the 2 times I've had them and none have ever had veil develope.
I had one group for 4 years.
I had the exact same thing happen. I posted a thread and another MFKer attached this thread - I guess I did not search hard enough initially. Anyway I first thought it was water conditions as I went on vacation for two weeks and kept an Ehiem feeder on the tank and when I came home 7 of 8 had longfins!! Did water changes using conditioned tap as usual and they have not reverted back after 3 months. All 8 of 8 have loingfins now and healthy. I also have driftwood (manzanita) in the tank with temp 78-80. Our fish may be related.
I forgot to add I have another cyprinidae (flying fox) in the tank with them and his fins have remained the same