DIY Algae scrubber

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
no biopellets have a carbon source built in and allow denitrification in an aerobic environment google np biopellets for example but lots of other makes .. they're not like reductor that run trickle fed with dosing pump and vodka or some sh*t lol
A nitrate filter with enough media can handle a tank fine at 40gph.
Tomt37 Tomt37 Would it be possible for me to seed my nitrate filter with biopellets? Hopefully it would give the bacteria a reason to grow in the filter, and then spread to the media.
there are carbon bioballs I used to use in a reductor that might work .. I'll google them tonight and post a link
It might be possible to fill with tank water with nitrates in it and add a little vodka as the Carbon source like you would in some reductors .. and leave for a bit before you turn pump on - I'll ask a friend who is into marine tanks and obsessed with nitrate lol
I read 1/4" cup per 20 gallons. I have a way over stocked system with 155 gallons, so a quart 32 oz, should be enouph. In a 2 quart reactor.