• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I don't think it matters as long as it is room temp when you hook it up. I just let mine sit out of laziness. I doesn't start bubbling for a day.
Yeah, my wife would have my head on a plate if I inadvertently emptied the tank out onto the living room carpet. I put a check valve in mine to prevent that.

I used fleischmans yeast, which is a little granular, not as powdery as I wanted. If I don't get good results, I'll try again with a different brand.

I have some high fructose corn syrup in my cabinet. I wonder if that would be a good substitute for the brown sugar...
Nice vid...always entertaining.

Thanks for the yeast tip. You inspired me to run an experiment.

So, the brown+white mixed sugar bottle ran out faster than the white only bottle. After two and a half weeks, we are just down to a trickle of CO2 from both bottles combined, so maybe I used too much yeast. My original intended experiment was to make the second batch with one all brown sugar and one all white sugar and use two separate bubble counters to compare and contrast the two; but my wife used up all my brown sugar making cookies (not complaining). So instead, my experiment is two all white sugar bottles (2 cups white sugar each), one with 1/4 teaspoon yeast + 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, and the other with 1/2 teaspoon yeast + 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.

I'll post back with results. Please don't let the anticipation kill you.