• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
update, i redid the "solution" yesterday evening, i hooked it up this morning & came home this evening to NO THING!!! well i found that my bubble counter/gas exchange was leaking so i took it off & went direct & within 5-10 min i had CO2! so i am redoing my gas exchange/counter in a glass container with big metal lid, cleaned everything really well then washed well with water after and am using some non toxic flexible sealer kinda on the same order as silicone but it sticks a little better. i also made my holes MUCH tighter! I am now going to look for a 2-3 liter glass container i can use, wine bottle??? i may re do my co2 i think 1 3 liter bottle hard plastic may be ok but i want a big lid and i will prolly try hoses on lid this time just to see!
has anyone used a larger wine or champagin bottle? I would like to go glas & I can get a coupple of 1.5 liter bottles but sunno if the redced surface area will advertly affect the CO2 output?!
surface area?

a 1/4 tsp yest puts out about the right amount of CO2 if you could double the sugar and water then it should last quite a bit longer given the extra amount of food, also the extra volume with take longer to reach alcohol levels that kills the yest.

Also you could double everything and get more CO2 for the same amount of time. This means you need to have larger containers that take up more space.

My system i have two 2 littler bottles that are connected with a T then that goes to the tank. I cjange one every two weeks, so each bottle gets a 4 week run and things stay pretty stable that way.

Also at some point here it becomes a hell of a lot easier to just get a full CO2 system with a compressed tank... of coarse that will be after college
ditto what epond said. I just dont want to re type it lol.

I think the wine bottle will work fine. I thought about it too. I and going to have 4 CO2 bottle going on my 55. Was going to do ten but africans wont like the lowered ph. I will most likely use milk jugs. I expect them to work like magic. I will make my first test milk jug tomorrow.
my "surface area" question was that a wine bottlw would have less exposed area, the top of the mix is exposed and no covered by a side, I was trying to fugure out if that would have an effect! Like a 20long will have more surface area exposed for evaporation that a 20tall tanl! Same size different surface areas. I know it won't be evaporating much due to the mostly closed system but I was thinking about how pressure ma build up & be released differently in different bottles!
sry dint mean to type this in 1 msges. I have found a good harder plastic bottlw with large caps 1.5 liter ima use 2, I have made a glass bubble counter/gas exchange with 2 inputs and separate check valves so I can do the swap 1 out a week. O am also moving the tubing to the top of the bottles. I am also trying a new glue/sealant, it's not silicone but is nonzs toxic, waterprook goot for a few hundred psi & ok for use with drinking water situations so I think it will be good. It has a bit more flex but holds a bit better than silicone.
Kjfan1 from what i've heard milk juggs are no good cause they are not designed for pressure or CO2

As far as the surface area it shouldn't matter cause it's not about gas exchange it's the yest working in the fluid. And pressure doesn't have an effect at these depths.