update, i redid the "solution" yesterday evening, i hooked it up this morning & came home this evening to NO THING!!! well i found that my bubble counter/gas exchange was leaking so i took it off & went direct & within 5-10 min i had CO2! so i am redoing my gas exchange/counter in a glass container with big metal lid, cleaned everything really well then washed well with water after and am using some non toxic flexible sealer kinda on the same order as silicone but it sticks a little better. i also made my holes MUCH tighter! I am now going to look for a 2-3 liter glass container i can use, wine bottle??? i may re do my co2 i think 1 3 liter bottle hard plastic may be ok but i want a big lid and i will prolly try hoses on lid this time just to see!