• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
that looks killer!!! I don't see it happening any time soon tho! I am doing this the cheapest I can my wife would just not understand the "need" for a $35 part! If I do powerhead I ,ay do the cheap $10 version I have seen some $13 versions I can mod to work @my LFS but it will be a little while.
Bad news. I am getting out of the DIY CO2 for a while because of the time it takes.

I will consider getting back into it but until then I will use Flourish excel.

I really want to get back into it with a nice diffuser and grow some crazy plants but for now I will use Flourish and just hornwort and Am. Sword plants.

Sorry guys. I will still follow my thread and Help anybody out in anyway i can.

I am trying to get through school first. 1 week left!
how is the excell doin? I tried ir b4 diy co2 but the diy co2 I find is giving better results & I only have to spend 30 min on a new bottle every other week. Excell I had to remember to dose daily/every otherday. I will get pics of tank up soon
Well. I ended up making a new patch and didn't order the excel ha ha.

I got 160 watts of light on it now so I will update the tank in a week or two/ Should be awesome by then!
MGoerke. How's your tanks looking man? I'm starting up the plants again this next week. Been a long time with out a hint of green in my life.
good,i stoped co2 about a month ago. Time not just doing the bottles but also keeping the tank trimed back. I pulled a big swordplant out, I do excel efery few weeks as I remember. Everything is well rooted and I prolly won't do co2 for a while unless I do a total tear down & put all new plants in, will take a pic tomorrow evening & post it. I am happy with my slow & steady growth. I only have to drim about 1x a month not 1-2x a week it was @peak growth.
Nothing majorly different moved & trimmed stuff, tank had stuff floating jsut finished cleaning it @ refilling it & little bits of stuff i disturbed hadn't all been filtered or settled down yet.