DIY Wooden Garage Pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I tested the Humidity and it's only 75-85% depending on the time of day it seems. So it's not all that bad.

I removed the waterfall partially. It was too noisy and disturbed the surface to much so you couldn't see the fish. It dumps right out of the overhead box filter now instead of being extended all the way to the center brace with that slate rock. Much less noisy and you can see better.

I also set a 5g bucket on top of the box filter and filled it with the media. This way it's not submerged constantly and so the water has to pass through it instead of around it. It's still stuck in a little cycle so I had to do something. I think this should do the trick though as the water has to pass through the media now.

The Delhezi jumped out so he is in my freezer now with the Palmas Palmas that jumped out of my 200g a while back.

Other than that it's pretty much the same and will more or less stay that way for now.
Thank you. :)


Update - added a bunch of plants to the overhead filter bog.


Should help out with filtration...

It's still cycling somehow. I don't get it. The fish are eating and acting normal but there is Ammonia present in small amounts and no Nitrate to speak of... Same level as my tap is...

The bucket looks like shat but whatever... All but two of the plants are real. The ones right in front of the Lowes logo are faux.




Fish knocked over all the wood I had sticking out of the water. I am leaving it be... To much hassle to fix, they knocked it over daily.
polish;4155429; said:
It is some type of fern, I forget the exact name. I just kind of picked random plants marked *low light*... We'll see what survives. If I can find some sort of vine plant that will flourish then I'll let it grow all over.

From what i have read a lot peopel have success pothos.

Nice buid like the stock always like cichlids in a pond
cool thread, thanks for sharing.

Why is it L shaped, at first I thought it was to allow for the tool box but that has gone, surely a box would have been much easier and bigger?

I like the simplicity!

If I was building one I think I would line it with Celotex as this would insulate much more but it is really pricey.

What sort of cover will you make? Clear plexi glass?
Well to be honest I just didn't want a basic square/rectangle. I did give up about 75 gallons of capacity in doing it this way but 400g is plenty for now. It would have been much simpler to build a rectangle for sure. I just wanted to make it a little different.

I have given up on a cover for now. It's not losing much water and holds temperature pretty well. I may add one come winter depending how it does or if I still have it running.

I'm not really happy with it as is. It annoys me that I can't photograph the fish well nor can I see them much anymore. Just the top of them as they go by...

I thought about a viewing window but I'm not sure I want to mess with that or not. Knowing my luck I would screw something up and it would leak. Plus I'd have to sit on the ground to see them and it would be limited to that one window.

I am considering just using it as a stand/giant sump and putting a tank on top of it. I'd keep some fish in the bottom but have say a 180g 6'x2' tank on top with some of the fish so I can actually see them.
This was very informative as far as how you built it . Easy to follow steps and it came out great and great looking Oscar.

Have you considered dwarf or regular papyrus to help you filter they grow great and suck up junk .