• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Fahaka Puffer

Pufferpunk;3835846; said:
Do you really think a fish that could easily live another 10 years in that tank would want to live in a bare one, with nothing to do & only seeing a reflection of a possible predator from below?

I think we all value your insights and opinions with regards to your knowledge on puffers. But I do not think it is necessary to consistently interrogate those who choose to post on this forum. It is ok for one to simply offer their advise and opinions, and then leave it up to the individual to either take or leave it...with the full knowledge that there are a variety of ways to successfully keep and care for fish that may greatly vary from one person to the next. Afterall, no matter how hard we try, non of us can completely replicate a fish's natural living environment.
Afterall, no matter how hard we try, non of us can completely replicate a fish's natural living environment.
We can certainly try more than what has been done here. It is my prerogative to try to convince someone otherwise too. We are all responsible for God's creatures.
I honestly dont think he cares, I think fish dont go that deep into things there mindset is survival, humans suffer from boredom not fish. An example would be dolphins at seaworld, dolphins are one of the smartest mammals on earth! yet at seaworld there in a bare pool, do they appreciate it? i dont know but i do know the marine biologists who study them dont seem to think it has an effect on there life span or happiness. Im not sure what you want me to do, your telling me to add activities for the fish, yet you just told me my tank is way to small for him and if i add decor the bioload will kill him in a day.
I did not say that at all. I am happily aware that you will be upgrading him in about 6 months. He should be fine in the 90g for that long. I asked if that filter was cycled to handle the bioload this fish will put out. If not, he will quickly perish. I suggested adding substrate, to make him more comfortable (most predators approach from below) & to help give more places for the biological bacteria to attach. I also suggested decor for him to feel like he isn't out in the open all the time.

Here is my fahaka's 125g tank:

He loves hanging out in his cave:

Tell me puffers can't feel happy?!

Ok, maybe not necessarily that substrate...
fahakapuffer20;3835888; said:
I honestly dont think he cares, I think fish dont go that deep into things there mindset is survival, humans suffer from boredom not fish. An example would be dolphins at seaworld, dolphins are one of the smartest mammals on earth! yet at seaworld there in a bare pool, do they appreciate it? i dont know but i do know the marine biologists who study them dont seem to think it has an effect on there life span or happiness. Im not sure what you want me to do, your telling me to add activities for the fish, yet you just told me my tank is way to small for him and if i add decor the bioload will kill him in a day.

you should add flaming hoops and tight ropes! Maybe some soccer balls and tennis rackets will do the trick as well:ROFL:

Pufferpunk needs to chill, you did say you were moving the fahaka to a bigger tank. A 90 gallon is great until he gets to around 15 inches or so. Don't worry and keep us updated on his growth.

ps: I'm loving the double stranded line he has in that one pic!
LOL, I'll never chill as long as there are puffers who need my help. ;)
Pufferpunk;3835897; said:
I did not say that at all. I am happily aware that you will be upgrading him in about 6 months. He should be fine in the 90g for that long. I asked if that filter was cycled to handle the bioload this fish will put out. If not, he will quickly perish. I suggested adding substrate, to make him more comfortable (most predators approach from below) & to help give more places for the biological bacteria to attach. I also suggested decor for him to feel like he isn't out in the open all the time.

Here is my fahaka's 125g tank:

He loves hanging out in his cave:

Tell me puffers can't feel happy?!

Ok, maybe not necessarily that substrate...

Hmmmm...That gravel is not even close to the natural substrate that fahakas are accustomed to. You're slipping Pufferpunk;):D(j/k)
Yeah, it's really horrible stuff. I only added it because puffers are really good at camouflage & I wanted him to have those stunning maroon stripes I've seen on fahakas. No good--I'm just stuck with crappy gravel.

Never said it had to be totally natural. Everyone's tank is their own design preference. Some like bright colors, like mine (not necessarily my preference though), some like neutral, some like a theme (dragons, ancient ruins, etc) some just throw stuff in there to give the puffer things to play in, like those gerbil Habitral tubes, for smaller species. As long as they have something to investigate, they don't know the difference. But they do know when they are out in the open, board, easy prey & feeling unsafe. Like most animals, eventually they stress, get diseased & die.
I have to say being a person who has owned and still owns a few species of puffers that in bare tanks puffers do act a lot differently to when they are in tanks with decor... even color is greatly affected as well as appetite...

Puffers tend to act differently in the sense, when they are bare tanks, they may just for the majority of time hang out on the bottom rarely moving unless something "stimulates" them to move... where as in tanks with decor, caves etc, you'll notice them constantly on the move hunting and searching for food (if they are active species)... i mean heck even my congo constantly swims around his tank in between the plants and caves etc where as in a bare tank all he did was sit there...

But i do agree at the end of the day its up to you what you prefer to do, but in all honesty (although only my opinion), i think you should add some decor at least to his final home when you set it up so that not only your fish enjoys it, but you can as well... since in all honesty, how much extra time will it add to cleaning... 5-10 min at most? and all you need is substrate along with a bit of driftwood and rocks and your set... since i do understand not every one enjoys using live plants and doing the maintenance it comes with keeping live plants...

Either way, at the end of the day, i just really wanted to come in and say, nice looking Puffer... love the darker line definition around the the edge of the patterns... (if that makes sense)
Some fish do well in bare tanks and others don't. Puffers are ones that do not. They are curious hunters that need visual stimuli. With fish its not always a matter of your personal preference, you need to accomodate the animal you keep. Pufferpunk is just trying to school some of you in something she has been doing longer then some of you have been alive. You don't have to obey her every command but to not listen or even have an opened mind about the advise she gives is just plain ignorant.