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Fancy Goldfish Pictures

Thanks :D She is a big girl!!!

I did get my three new demekins, and despite the crappyness of these photos, they are amazingly beautiful. I will have better pictures once they come out of quarantine and into their new home.




I love the demekins!:hearts:
Just to give this thread a break from silence.:D

Here's Satine.

I am still having trouble using Olympus so this is the best I could get of Summers. He is 7 inches currently and has changed colors into chocolate from rich black.
Wow! This is one of my favorite threads! I recently bought a pair of telescope buttefly pandas and a Ranchu, but one of the pandas didnt make it : ( Im glad I went back to Goldfish, after all the diff fish I kept Im finally satisfied with these fancy goldies,now all I want are more Ranchu! Oh yeah and a Rainbow wolf lmao
Do you have photos of them, big E? I am glad you're back to the goldfish arena. :welcome: to the club!

Yes, I know what you mean. Panda moors and ranchus are very exciting fish to have. I am sorry to hear one of your pandas didn't make it. I am still contemplating myself whether to get a panda moor or not. I didn't want to spend my money over something whose colors will eventually change. At least, my black ranchu Loco hasn't changed colors from his rich black tint yet despite the fact he is gaining size a lot.:thumbsup:
Sorry for the crap photo, I'll try for better pics later.

This is my latest gold, a shubunkin I call Ronin:

He's so lovely, Sergio.:hearts: :thumbsup:
Thanks Lupe! His left operculum is opaque so he's got that blushing look on that side.

I've got five more coming on monday, pics will be up when the rockn'rollas land. :D