1) it starts with an overflow in white wool , then biobals big one's ( made at my friends work ) why big becouse it woud brake up the water and mix it good with oxygen then big filtration mats ansd then in the pipe to the sump
2) the pipe runs to the other side for cooling reasons ( my water is alway's 27-29 degrees celcius ) so it loses about 1-1.5 degree for better growth of bacteria , and it take oxygen along = longer pipe more time the oxygen stays with the water , the oxygen is forced with the water in the sump making the water move alot, for again oxygen .
3) a)the sump starts with again white wool = lots of bateria then 4 kinds of filtration mat's .
b)then biobals and in that there is an pump ( smal one ) that moves the biobal geltly around and making the water move at the surface (oxygen)
c) kind of very very thin perforated hard filtration stiks
d) then turf with patatoe bags the the pump and some withe wool for some exra biofiltration
4) then the pipe from the pump goes to 2 seperate pipes and so i have 2 exit's so more flow al around the tank and on the bottom ( they exit both at the surface but one is pionted toward the glas and puches water to the bottem so it wil cirkulate )
so that's it , quite simpel , but it works.
il answer any ?
ps i live in belgium at the time writing it is 0.30 at night so i need the sleep , work .il answer wen il get back from work greets