fishhead0103666’s fishroom

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Gonna guess an aquatic amphibian; I know there was one vendor that had three Pipa pipa at the Charlotte Repticon; can't really think of anything else that'd really fit the bill.
Newts are iffy; few people have them, and subadults are even rarer (for most juveniles of species common on the market tend to prefer a terrestrial environment) ever since the great ban and I don't think it'd be too likely for many to be there. With salamanders, the market's oversaturated with axolotls and they're practically everywhere nowadays. I suppose they could be sirens, though they're rather obscure and I don't recall seeing any available recently.
Bit too late in the year for Acrochordus and Homalopsis imports; and Erpeton haven't been seen in a good while; doubt it's an aquatic reptile based off that. There's certainly turtles, but I reckon they'd be too much of a pain in the rear for most to keep, 'specially larger ones; I think GA prohibits the sale of any turtle or tortoise under 4" in carapace length unless it's for educational or scientific purposes, though I could be wrong.
Pardon my ignorance, but what does "w beans new edition" mean?
W beans new edition means I was writing it out while not looking. It should have said a brand new addition. And I’m surprised you got it on the first guess, 3 pipa pipa frogs. I told myself if I ever saw them for sale in person I’d get them. They were probably the same frogs to be honest.
Haven't seen a Pipa Pipa frog in years.
Exactly. I can’t recall who it was but a member on this site said he regretted not buying pipas when he had the chance to do so and I’ve been wanting to find them in person for years so it made sense. I didn’t have a dedicated pipa pipa tank ready but after moving a few things around it’s all good now.
Exactly. I can’t recall who it was but a member on this site said he regretted not buying pipas when he had the chance to do so and I’ve been wanting to find them in person for years so it made sense. I didn’t have a dedicated pipa pipa tank ready but after moving a few things around it’s all good now.
I hope they spawn for you.
W beans new edition means I was writing it out while not looking. It should have said a brand new addition. And I’m surprised you got it on the first guess, 3 pipa pipa frogs. I told myself if I ever saw them for sale in person I’d get them. They were probably the same frogs to be honest.
That makes more sense, lol. For a second there, I thought it was some new, foreign slang... seems kids keep coming up with more each week; wish they'd slow down a bit- I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around how they can fit some of the most nonsensical words into every other sentence that comes out of their mouth!
I regret not picking those up from the Charlotte Repticon (had two opportunities to do so- the July and October ones), but you'd probably have much better success with them than me :) To be completely honest, I didn't expect to see them after July; and was pleasantly surprised to see them in October, and held out hope that they'd be back in December...
I checked the vendor lists, and it was that one vendor between both Charlotte and Atlanta Repticons, Aquatic N Exotic; I'm assuming it's the same frogs.
I recall talking to one of the people a bit; he claimed they were ~6+ months LTC and treated for parasites with both metronidazole and kanamycin- though I don't know if he knew what he was talking about, as he claimed chytrid was bacterial and kanamycin could prevent it (was in October).
Either way, supposedly there is at least one female; though I don't think they knew how to sex them, as the only guy that claimed to know much about them was shining a flashlight on their backs, looking for "pores", as he put it (was back in July). I do think I read somewhere that sexually mature females may develop a round "ring" around their cloaca, and tried looking for that with no avail, though I have little experience staring at a frog's bum in vain hopes of finding its sex.
They seemed healthy to me, though; no sign of any open sores or lesions, no redness, and subsequently no signs of a bacterial infection. A bit surprising; considering the poor conditions they were in back in July (rather dirty 10g with ~3/4" of cloudy water).
Don't know if I'm imagining things, but I believe I was told they were being fed strictly feeder goldfish- an inadequate diet, in my opinion; but leastwise they were eating something.
Good luck! Would love more updates.
Well they definitely will eat feeder goldfish. I had a dozen left over from fish in cycling my tanks and now I’m down to 6. I saw one eat 2 before I went to sleep.

If I can find some tentacle snakes, Erpeton tentaculatum, then that would be great. I’m going to set a dank aside for them while I’m getting my feeder stock up.
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Well they definitely will eat feeder goldfish. I had a dozen left over from fish in cycling my tanks and now I’m down to 6. I saw one eat 2 before I went to sleep.

If I can find some tentacle snakes, Erpeton tentaculatum, then that would be great. I’m going to set a dank aside for them while I’m getting my feeder stock up.
Rather ironic that you say that... I've been looking for some Erpeton for years now, with practically no success, but somehow a listing for CB specimens was just posted on Morphmarket today.
They're a fair chunk of money, though, at $600 for a single specimen. Bit out of my price range, but maybe you'd be interested.
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