fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It’s been 2 years and 6 months since I started this thread and 1 year and 3 months since I took a break from fish keeping, and soon the thread is starting back up as I’m closing on a house in September so stay tuned, I’m going to be getting Wallace’s shoehead catfish again and going bigger and better than ever.
And the madness begins once again, here’s a 110 stock tank I set up, I’m going to set up a 300 stock tank in the space next to it once this one cycles and is stocked.IMG_8865.jpeg
What do you plan on putting in the 300 gal. stock tank.
The 300 and 110 I plan on stocking with mollies so I can have a source of live food for when I get Wallace’s shoehead catfish again, I wish I could breed cherry shrimp in the 110 but I know they’d do poorly or die outside.

If the mollies can’t survive ga weather then I’m going to put in platties, if they can’t hack it then guppies, if they can’t then I’m not sure. Maybe flag fish.
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Any plans for a black water tank for the catfish?
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Yes, I have a whole bedroom dedicated to Wallace’s shoehead catfish and I’m going to try a few different set ups including black water

Once I get home I’ll post pictures of my drawings I made.
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These are the two rooms with the dimensions of the room and potential design layouts. You’ll see I had to scratch out some numbers as I had forgotten that a 60 breeder is 4’ and not 3’. I’ve updated the final number to go off of the scratched out ones being 40 breeders however I’ve forgotten they make 50’s and 65’ in the same 3’x1.5’ foot print so the final number may change. IMG_8884.jpegIMG_8885.jpeg
I’m considering removing the circled two to make room for either a 125 or 180 rack so I can keep siniperca roulei/obscura.

Now I do acknowledge that this is a lot but why did I buy a house if not to push myself to the extremes? I do however realize that it could very well be to much for me so I’ve decided that I will build all the racks as 3 tiers but only fill them up 1 tier at a time before I start on the next tier so I don’t overwhelm myself.

I’ve yet to put the first tank in the house as I want to get my live food operations going first but also the house needs a partial floor repair (along with some beefing up), and a few other home repairs that would be difficult to do after I started putting tanks in. It’s a work in progress, slowly but surely I’ll make this my fish house.
I forgot to update the big room as I’ll have to take out the 75’s in the top left corner as they’ll block off part of the wall of 20 longs.
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