fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Makin moves, are you making a stacked setup for those two? Or maybe 2x stacks with the 125s on top and 75s below?
The plan is a double for the 125’s, get another 125 and make it a double with the 125 on bottom and the 135 on top, a single stack for the 220, and 3x double stacks for the 75’s. I’m going to make all of these tanks for even if it kills me.

The 220 is drilled which scares me but for the price the guy is selling it for I’m willing to face my fears and do my first sump,
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The plan is a double for the 125’s, get another 125 and make it a double with the 125 on bottom and the 135 on top, a single stack for the 220, and 3x double stacks for the 75’s. I’m going to make all of these tanks for even if it kills me.

The 220 is drilled which scares me but for the price the guy is selling it for I’m willing to face my fears and do my first sump,

That's a whole lot of work, very ambitious. How many 75s do you have?

Careful once you start with'll soon want them on every tank.
That's a whole lot of work, very ambitious. How many 75s do you have?

Careful once you start with'll soon want them on every tank.
I have two up and running and 4 standing up just waiting for me to set them up.

I’m quite sure once I do my first sump I’ll have no issues with them and start putting them on other tanks as well.
I have two up and running and 4 standing up just waiting for me to set them up.

I’m quite sure once I do my first sump I’ll have no issues with them and start putting them on other tanks as well.

Nice. What's your design for the stacked 125 stand? Lumber or maybe an industrial shelf? When I'm building a stacked stand with lumber I always liked the bottom tank shorter cause I could never figure out a way to support the top tank without making the stand longer than the tanks.
My first 6’ tanks, am I a Monsterfishkeeper yet? ?View attachment 1461394
Im getting that 135 later today
The way I see it is a monsterfishkeeper is some one who goes to all lengths to house their fish. Often the fish are not the monsters, we are the monster fishkeepers lol. I might be wrong but I would say the bold move out of your old place mostly for a sole reason of having bigger/ more tanks gives you a title of a monster fishkeeper imo.

when you are setting up your sump, do it when you have most of the day to play around with it and monitor your levels. Make sure you cut the power and watch what happens. See how much water empties back into the sump so if it happens when you are not around, it will be fine. If you do those 2 things you don’t really have anything else to worry about and like mentioned, you will want to sump all your tanks after you get over that.
Nice. What's your design for the stacked 125 stand? Lumber or maybe an industrial shelf? When I'm building a stacked stand with lumber I always liked the bottom tank shorter cause I could never figure out a way to support the top tank without making the stand longer than the tanks.
Don’t know yet, I didn’t think I’d get to this point honestly, when I found the tanks for sale I just said screw it I’ll figure it out when I get there.

I am young to try to cut down on weight due to these being big tanks so I’m going to be doing a wood stand.
The way I see it is a monsterfishkeeper is some one who goes to all lengths to house their fish. Often the fish are not the monsters, we are the monster fishkeepers lol. I might be wrong but I would say the bold move out of your old place mostly for a sole reason of having bigger/ more tanks gives you a title of a monster fishkeeper imo.

when you are setting up your sump, do it when you have most of the day to play around with it and monitor your levels. Make sure you cut the power and watch what happens. See how much water empties back into the sump so if it happens when you are not around, it will be fine. If you do those 2 things you don’t really have anything else to worry about and like mentioned, you will want to sump all your tanks after you get over that.
I meant it more as a joke but I certainly do see your point as it is certainly valid my dear friend. I think the fact I moved out of my parents house just so I can keep bigger tanks earns me the right of “crazy fish man”, the fish version of crazy cat women lol.

I’m going to do it on either a Sunday or when I get a Saturday off so I’ll have both Saturday and Sunday to mess with it.

I’m going to make all of these tanks for even if it kills me.
“For” should have been fit.
KansasSunfish KansasSunfish had a nice looking stacked 125 build, might be helpful.

If it's me, I'm stacking the 125 and 135 on top of 75s, and using one of the 75s as a sump for the 75. That would be the simplest option, use less lumber and save space.

Edit: just noticed you were present on that thread, way ahead of the game lol
And here is tank #3 and turns out it’s a 125 instead of a 135 as it’s two inches shorter than she said it was.B4D9D640-EBA2-4322-AD16-63752146771E.jpeg

Those seams are looking not good in places so I might have to reseal it I think. She kept a 15’ snake in it.

Oh and also the guy that had agreed to sell me the 220 ended up selling it to someone else so I’m not happy about that however there’s a 180 available on Facebook for $150 more that I was looking at that was a saltwater set up if I remember correctly. I’m gonna go talk to him and see if he’ll sell it to me.
Well just damn, I was trying to move the tank into my room with my brother and he set it down too hard, he basically dropped it and it got a huge damn crack, just straight up ruined and I didn’t even have it for 12 hours. That’s several hundred dollars just gone 94E92183-D3C5-4540-985A-8017304D8521.jpeg
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Well just ****, I was trying to move the tank into my room with my brother and he set it down too hard, he basically dropped it and it got a huge damn crack, just straight up ruined and I didn’t even have it for 12 hours. That’s several hundred dollars just gone View attachment 1461481
Hey now your just trying to copy my thread. I wouldn’t suggest doing so. There’s some bumps and curves ahead.

which reminds me I need to update it ?
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