fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Found another 125 on Facebook marketplace that was posted 2 hours ago for $200, only an hour away, I’m going to get it today.
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Well, I am lucky, the guy was going to buy a new 75 and so now we’re going to trade his 125 for my new 75. Lovely :hearts:
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Man, I found a 120, 4’ x 2’ x 38”, and a 110 but they all were drilled. Very sad, I was going to get them all had they not been drilled, on the bright side I found another 125 for sale which I’m planning on getting, I just have to work some things out with the seller.:popcorn:
  • Wow
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Man, I found a 120, 4’ x 2’ x 38”, and a 110 but they all were drilled. Very sad, I was going to get them all had they not been drilled, on the bright side I found another 125 for sale which I’m planning on getting, I just have to work some things out with the seller.:popcorn:
Dude. Get the drilled tanks. You already have a bunch of smaller tanks that you can turn into sumps.
Dude. Get the drilled tanks. You already have a bunch of smaller tanks that you can turn into sumps.
Nope, I’m already going out of my comfort zone by getting a drilled 180, I do not want 4 drilled tanks. And there will be other deals in the future, they’re like houses, there’s always another one that’s a good deal.
Yeah and holes can be patched or plugged so easily...
I will learn one step at a time, sumps are now and I’ll learn to plug holes in the future. The mighty oak did not try to grow all its limbs at once, no, it grew them one at a time.
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Turns out the 125 I got is an oceanic, check it out, it’s the one on the left. Not the best picture since it’s dark though.8B827C11-E798-4455-83C4-1B279967680C.jpeg

It was wonderful talking to the guy as we’re both blue collar workers, love fish, and a bit crazy. We had a lovely conversation about filtration.
Congrats on all the tanks! i’ll be curious to see what you fill them with ?

sorry about the broken tank …. sucks….

what are you filtering these bad boys with?
So are you planning on actually sleeping in this fish room as well or is the bed going to go? Just wondering coz it might get a bit humid in there with all those tanks running...
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