fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This is going to be a long post, heads up.

To start off I’ll talk about the fish that I’m not happy about. So, I was going to give my green severum to someone to make it easier on myself during the move however at the last second basically I decided I couldn’t give him away so instead I got to talking to the would be buyer, tossed some cash his way, and he fish sat my severum for me. He had told me he had been keeping fish for 7 years and had multiple tanks so I didn’t think anything of it. When I got him back on Sunday I found out that the guy had put him in a 20 gallon tank with 2 full grown oscars and a big common pleco, the oscars looked about 9” and the pleco was at least 1’, all throughout the time he was “taking care” of my severum he didn’t do a single water change.... not a single one.... God his oscars were in such poor condition along with all of his other fish and now because of him my severum has hole in the head and quite frankly I’m not sure if the damage is too much to be fully reversed, he might be scarred for life now. Man, I can’t tell you how angry I was however I can tell you that the neighbors could hear me when I found out the condition of my severum.

I’ve decided to change the layout of the room once again to better accommodate the 6’ tanks however now I’m not sure if I made the right choice even, I’ll have to go back and look at it. 491B8B23-2D0C-465D-8881-462E85CC3A84.jpeg
So as you can see the bed has been moved back to the original position and instead of having the first double 75 standing out in the middle I’ve put it beside the bed. The top of the top75 is just about the same height as me and I’m 5’5”, I did not consider just how tall the top tank would be when I was making the measurements and it shows now. On the bright side there’s plenty of head space for the bottom tank ??‍♂️.

As for the order I talked about but never went into detail, I was going to get 10 clouded ghost knifefish, 6 Wallace’s shoehead catfish, and 8 sheepshead pacu. There were only 1 pacu left, the 10 knifefish perished shortly after arriving, and a Wallace’s shoehead catfish perished beforeit could be sent out to me so in all I received 10 knives, 5 catfish, and 1 pacu. I currently only have 5 catfish and the 1 pacu however the seller is replacing all 10 knives at no charge to myself.

The order I didn’t talk about, I got 25, yes 25, baby rope fish from dnz03dw dnz03dw and he threw in an extra one so I now have 26. None of this was planned beforehand however I saw opportunity and ran with it. A rope fish species biotype tank is in my future now, who knows? Maybe I’ll even get them to breed.

This will be a bit tricky to understand so please pay close attention. So I have two 75 gallons, a 55 gallon, a 40 breeder, and a 29, I moved the first 75 in and set it up. I took the Wallace’s shoehead catfish from the 40 breeder and put them in with the other Wallace’s shoehead catfish and the single sheep’s head pacu in the 75. I now have an empty 40 breeder. I moved the fish from the 55 to the 40 breeder and moved the fish from the remaining 75 to the 55, I am now free to move the 75 without rushing to set it up. Now here is where it gets crappy, I ended up getting the tank all taken down and what not and put up at the apartment all ready to be set up, I forgot the python adapter, luckily the fish can stay in the 55 for a few days until I can set it up the next day. I come back the next day with the adapter and go to fill the tank, whenever I set the faucet on with the python attached it starts leaking *heavily* underneath and I can’t get it to go normally so I just can’t set up the tank. The fish are going to have to wait in the 55 and I’m going to have to set the filtration up on that tank to keep it alive while I contact the property manager and get them to fix the cheap crappy plumbing mess they have down there. All the while I’m doing that and having to wait for them I will likely not be able to set up the 75 unless I come up with a plan which I’m forming one right now which I think will work...

This isn’t related too much but I figured I should say it as someone might wonder why I’ve only gotten a single tank set up when I’ve had the apartment ready for so long. I’m working Monday through Saturday. My schedule is as follows, summed up, M-Th up at 5:30am, home at 9pm, bed by 10-11pm. Friday and Saturday up at 5:30, home at 7, bed by 10-11pm. Off on Sunday. You can see there’s not a lot of time I have during the week, no time at all the first 4 days, very little time Friday and Saturday, and I have Sunday free but I have to do all my maintenance, chores, tasks, etc so just about all day I’m busy doing something so I can’t spent 4+ hours moving a single tank. I also have been having problems since the beginning of the apartment, I’d find something wrong, have to call them during the week during lunch, since they aren’t open on Sunday, and wait until the next week until they fix it then I go back and find something new wrong that needs to be fixed. Then if something isn’t wrong at the apartment then something is wrong at the house that I have to take care of. God man, I’m tired, I’m being torn at every turn and just once I finish the move everything will be so much easier.
The order I didn’t talk about, I got 25, yes 25, baby rope fish from .avatar--xss { width: 21px; height: 21px; line-height: 21px !important; margin-right: 2px; } dnz03dw dnz03dw @dnz03dw and he threw in an extra one so I now have 26. None of this was planned beforehand however I saw opportunity and ran with it. A rope fish species biotype tank is in my future now, who knows? Maybe I’ll even get them to breed.
twentyleagues twentyleagues
What the heck are you doing with all those small tanks? You could fit a 5x5 under that bed and a 240-300g next to it. Too much pissing around for such small tanks imo.

lol. Just grinding your gears, I know you enjoy poking holes in other peoples plans:ROFL:I know exactly what it’s like to do a big move with a bunch of tanks and fish involved. It can be so stressful to the point of losing sight of why we do the fish stuff.

But on a serious note. Very cool set up in the making. Neat to see you making moves, and working it with the fish you enjoy. We don’t all need to be into the same types of fish tbh. I hope you get your Wallace’s shoe heads that you always talk about.
Nice! So when they say babies what exactly do they mean? Or should I say how small are they? How long in captivity? Can't wait to see them all!
Small ropes. About 4”-6” Id say however that’s just eyeballing it. Ask dnz03dw dnz03dw
I’ll post pics later.

What the heck are you doing with all those small tanks? You could fit a 5x5 under that bed and a 240-300g next to it. Too much pissing around for such small tanks imo.

lol. Just grinding your gears, I know you enjoy poking holes in other peoples plans:ROFL:I know exactly what it’s like to do a big move with a bunch of tanks and fish involved. It can be so stressful to the point of losing sight of why we do the fish stuff.

But on a serious note. Very cool set up in the making. Neat to see you making moves, and working it with the fish you enjoy. We don’t all need to be into the same types of fish tbh. I hope you get your Wallace’s shoe heads that you always talk about.
If it’s not space then it’s the higher in command not letting you and if it’s not that then it’s weight and if not that it’s cost. For me it’s cost and size, I’m not getting any wider than a 24” in through the doors without a lot of planning and even a 24” wide tank is going to be bigger than I want to just be taken out in a few years.

It can be so stressful to the point of losing sight of why we do the fish stuff.
My motto is “For the animals”, everything I do is for the animals.

I hope you get your Wallace’s shoe heads that you always talk about.
I currently have 11 and honestly it’s a very real possibility that I could double or even triple that number by the end of my fish room. I think tripling it is at the max of reality but it could be higher.....

Neat to see you making moves, and working it with the fish you enjoy
If I could only keep a single species of fish for the rest of my life then it would be Wallace’s shoehead catfish, this truly is my dream fish, everything about them is just perfect...

We don’t all need to be into the same types of fish tbh.
Not a lot of people like brown fish but I love brown fish while at the same time *strongly* disliking lake Malawi cichlids. In my opinion those cichlids, it looks like you photocopied the same body shape a couple thousand times then gave them to kids to color and made them alive. No thank you, I’d rather never keep fish again than keep those but there’s nothing wrong with those who keep them and I respect them just as much as I respect catfish and oddball lovers.
Small ropes. About 4”-6” Id say however that’s just eyeballing it. Ask dnz03dw dnz03dw
I’ll post pics later.

If it’s not space then it’s the higher in command not letting you and if it’s not that then it’s weight and if not that it’s cost. For me it’s cost and size, I’m not getting any wider than a 24” in through the doors without a lot of planning and even a 24” wide tank is going to be bigger than I want to just be taken out in a few years.

My motto is “For the animals”, everything I do is for the animals.

I currently have 11 and honestly it’s a very real possibility that I could double or even triple that number by the end of my fish room. I think tripling it is at the max of reality but it could be higher.....

If I could only keep a single species of fish for the rest of my life then it would be Wallace’s shoehead catfish, this truly is my dream fish, everything about them is just perfect...

Not a lot of people like brown fish but I love brown fish while at the same time *strongly* disliking lake Malawi cichlids. In my opinion those cichlids, it looks like you photocopied the same body shape a couple thousand times then gave them to kids to color and made them alive. No thank you, I’d rather never keep fish again than keep those but there’s nothing wrong with those who keep them and I respect them just as much as I respect catfish and oddball lovers.
Lol I have lots of friends who refer to them as African feeders. People get them because they are pretty. Don’t want to keep them when they are bigger, so try to get rid of them and most people don’t want big Africans so they end up giving them away for free to people with bigger tanks- which have 30” aros and such ...
I actually got 6 once for a 55 without doing any research, I was new, because I liked that they would dig out holes in the sand but I soon realized that I didn’t like essentially keeping a bunch of guppies where one guppy was super aggressive, some were mild, some were complete pushovers, etc.
Actually now that I think about it that’s a great way to think of them as, guppies.
Well I am *very* not happy. I just checked on my 75 and my sheepshead pacu is dead. I literally have no idea as to why.
  • Sad
Reactions: SilverArowanaBoi
Sorry to hear.
Well I can either complain about it like a little kid or I can move on and figure out what I’m gonna do next. While I do enjoy complaining I believe that the better option is to make a new plan.

Also I’ve figured out how I’m going to do water changes without my python since the sink is not an option due to the pipes underneath leaking when I try to use my python. Just gonna fill up the bathtub and use a pump and a long hose ??‍♂️ .