• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Dreamsofpeace54;4473955; said:
i dont think the hook if going through the shell without cracking or breaking it. i doubt the meat itself would stay on the hook. Peeler crabs are supposed to be good bait if you can find them

Pretty much you take the back shell off and quarter the crab up. The interior shell would hold onto the hook nicely. Crab is used a lot for redfish.
Fish landed-I-3/Cliff-1

Did some laking hopping in Plainsboro today at two of my old shoreline spots. After catching a small bass,a Cp, and then a YP the storm sent me packing. Once I got to the car I looked at the radar seeing that the storm would pass quickly I drove around the corner to the next spot. Its a MUCH bigger lake and even through I had a little CP on I decided to go back to the first spot of the day. On my way back Cliff called and he showed up shortly after. The bite before the rain was much better but in like a 5 minute span we both missed a decent fish. Mine was a nice three pounder that spit the spinny and his was a decent two pounder that smacked his buzzy! After that they pretty much shut down but Cliff managed one with the jitty bug.

Missed my monster but for some reason I really enjoyed todays outting!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~
For the last three days I have been taking my dad and bro in-law who are in town wade fishing for red fish. Its been pretty windy so its been hard to spot bait to throw the net on but it took me more time to catch bait then it did fish! In three days weve actually fished about 3hrs total and have caught 12 reds, all were about 25" give or take an inch.

Fish were caught on Carolina rigged mullet bull minnows and pinfish in deepholes off of the grass flats in the heat of the day. I personally wanted a challenge so I fished with my baitrod spooled up with only 6lb test, luckily it holds 200yards as a 6-7lb red on 6lb test was a handful! I must say that I have yet to lose one though!
Dreamsofpeace54;4475439; said:
thanks, ill give it a try if i can coax another to the surface to be netted.
I usually put the hook through one leg hole and out another one, its pretty hard to get off
Dreamsofpeace54;4473955; said:
i dont think the hook if going through the shell without cracking or breaking it. i doubt the meat itself would stay on the hook. Peeler crabs are supposed to be good bait if you can find them

You quarter it, pull the legs off, then stick the hook through one of the leg knuckles and out the shell........

If you use them live, use a sharp hook and you won't crack or break the shell.......
Fish landed-12

Well today was a very interesting day!

Yesterday I did some work to the "BASS BUS", charged the batterys, and got up at 4:30am with my heart set on fishing "Farrington".

Everything went as planed and as the sun was rising we were only minutes away from the boat ramp. There was a problem tho, the lake is creek fed from one end and the water drops over a 20 foot wall at the other end. I say all that to say cause we are in a MAJOR rain drought the creek isnt feeding the lake anymore and the water fall drained the lake until the the water level wouldnt push the water over. Bascially "Farrington" has lost about 25' of water and we werent able to launch.

So after that MAJOR disappointment we decided to try out "Mercer County Lake". It wasnt popping at all but I banged two small bass but four hours later I couldnt take it NOMORE, so big bruh and I packed it in and headed for the "Amazon"

We got there at 1:00 and left at 6. I banged 10 and big bruh missed his only fish of the day. 9 of my fish came on the spinny, then I got one on the catter bait, one on the dinger, and one on a crank bait(DT-6). None were picture worthy so no pics today. The ony fish that would of been picture worthy was able to get off before being landed.

No monster again today but I had fun!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~