I fished the navarre pier today from 5:30am till 9:30PM. DEAD was the word of the day. One king hit the deck all day. In the evening a few STUD 5lb mangrove snapper popped up but were very skittish. They ate me a few times but I never stuck them. As the sun went down put on a 6ft 90lb wire leader with two 5/0 mustad J hooks. For bait a was a giant 30" lady fish. I was using a Penn 706z with 375yards of 15lb line. Not ten minutes later a fish takes the bait. I free spooled for about 45 seconds then jacked his jaw up. The first run stripped 200+ yards out in 20-30 seconds and got the spool hot, love that sound! After about an hour and a half I finally saw the fish, a solid 100lb black tip. I thought I had him beat with 15lb line but as soon as the gaff hit the water he took off under the pier, of course that didnt last long and there is only so much horsing you could do with 15lb line anyway. Oh well it was fun, settled for Taco Bell instead of shark steaks for dinner...