• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Dreams is right I rarely pop in, usually only for a memorable catch to two, but yes I fish the Potomac pretty regularly since it's so close but not exclusively. I also do a lot of fishing in the lakes around me since it's the only place I can fish deep and throw jigs all day
Eatsomekiwis;4553838;4553838 said:
Dreams is right I rarely pop in, usually only for a memorable catch to two, but yes I fish the Potomac pretty regularly since it's so close but not exclusively. I also do a lot of fishing in the lakes around me since it's the only place I can fish deep and throw jigs all day you caught the Snakehead in the Potomoc.
Fish landed-I-7/Bjay-2

It was windy as hell today!!

We choose "Farrington" today looking for more northerns action but we didnt see any. Since they didnt seem to be out in about the other fish were. I missed about 5 but out of my seven landed I got one 4.6 and one was 3.8!! Bjay landed one on a rattle trap and one on a chatter bait!!

Long day but its always fun when you hit the four pound club!!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~




KINGZ28HAWK;4554840;4554840 said:
What the heck is this? I caught it today on bread trying to catch some carp. Can it be used as bait? If so what for?
It looks like a really fat golden shiner......they make good aquaculture and aquarium fish. Largemouth bass, Walleye,Channel cats and Pikeminnows will eat the medium sized ones, Norther pike, Musky, Stripers,Bluecats and Flathead cats will eat the big ones.
warmouth;4555217; said:
It looks like a really fat golden shiner......they make good aquaculture and aquarium fish. Largemouth bass, Walleye,Channel cats and Pikeminnows will eat the medium sized ones, Norther pike, Musky, Stripers,Bluecats and Flathead cats will eat the big ones.

thats kind of a generalization. A big channel or largemouth will eat whatever fits in its mouth, ive had 4lb channels hit on 7-8" bluegills.

BUT, yes some type of shiner minnow and they make great bait, cut it up if the local fish arent huge or if u live somewhere with monster throw it out whole.
wow its been awhile everyone. ive been busy skating but it was nice to read all of the posts. ill be out soon for walleye and of course the stripers! mabye some cats in the future too
Ok I've fallen off a bit in my posting of this my Birthday fishing trip...... But too sum things up a bit, this time around I lost a total of 3 lures, 2 too fish and one too a sneaky 2ft gator - I had him on and would have, could have brought him in the boat but Jersey JAck and then a game warden that appeared out of nowhere didn't want me too! (Puzzy - Wimps!) :irked:

But this was one of the best trips I had in the past 20+ some odd years of coming down here. And as proof of such, while I was to leave Florida on Friday evening. I'm still in Florida as I missed my plane, second time in over twenty years of coming here that has ever happend. So now I'm here for another 3 days :WHOA:. Sahweet! And come April I hope to be taking some friends up on there offer, too stay in Japan for up too a month rent and hotel free, I just gotta buy the plane ticket can't wait.

Today we went to the lake that I've beaten Jersey JAck on 2 times already, we made three passes around the lake and caught a total of 49 Bass. Jersey JAck: 26 to my: 23 in less than 3hrs on the water. The lures of choice today were: rubber worm, spinnerbait (White), and last but least poppers. This lake we dubbed Popper lake, because the first time we were on it, nothing worked on the lake except for Poppers all day long in bright clear sunlight.