• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Dreamsofpeace54;4569785; said:
your too close to quit now. throw some small jigs on and catch a few baby ones

This time of the year I throw big baits!! Cause with the slower bite I'll take my chances coming across big mama!!
had a great night. hit the pier at 5pm. only had 11fish at 8pm when the moon came out and then left at 10pm with 33 fish under my belt. Absolutely everything was eating the small bluegill i was throwing out for catfish.

caught 10 redeyes, 8 channel cats, 2 bullheads, 2 largemouth, 2 yellow perch, and 9 white perch. I like nights with variety but lost the biggest channel when the hook came out waiting for my net man to get with it so nothing of any real size hit the pier.
Fish landed-I-6/Dennis-2

23rd was a trip out to "Farrington". Super slow day, I banged four and D got 2

The 24th we took a shoot at "Big Shi***" .When we pulled up at 7 there was 14 boats already on the water. Most didnt catch a fish all tournament long or just had one. I missed the only bite we had(2.8+) that jumped off the spinny. It was so slow I parked the boat on the shore and we hopped over to the D&R canal. I banged a SM & LMB and missed another smallie and a small CP got off too. That would of been 4 fish in 10 minutes, thats crazy cause in cast distance away at "Big Shi***" people and I are going crazy cause the fish arent moving at all. We got back in the boat and fished for about another 30 minutes(I couldnt take it anymore).

Very sad weekend, I think my season is drawing to a close!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~




crazy night, caught 22 more fish (that's 957). 9 channel cats, 3 largemouth, 6 Yellow Perch, 1 bluegill, 2 redeye, a Walleye!

It had just got dark out when i look over and see my rod going crazy, i quickly set the hook and fight the beast. I get it close to the pier and i saw its eyes. They look so cool all glowy and stuff. My net man was on his game tonight and scooped his ass up real quick.

My dad said i caught a walleye years ago when i was 6 or 7 or something. i definitly don't remember it. So it was nice to catch a nice thick 20"er.

wont let me post pics. later maybe
Fish landed-I-9

Dennis and I got are lines wet at "Assunpink" today. The spinny was number one today. Later on in the day I said" since they in real shallow and the water temp is 65, ill try the BUZZY!! It paid off too cause my number 8 jumped right on the buzzy!!! Shortly after we seen something get ate and I threw the buzzy right in there and KABOOOM a monster CP smacked it but it got off during the fight! My last fish came in the dark right beside the boat ramp, the nice 2.8(biggest of the day) jumped right on the chatter bait!!!

A decent day of fishing!!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~


thursday night resulted in 18 fish but nothing to really brag about. We were on the pier from 4pm till about 9pm. Lots of eater channels and a 6lb 8oz flathead was the biggest. Also got a 21" rockfish. Biggest rock ive ever caught but he was all beat up from the rocks up at the dam. We have alot in the area that look like this, not sick or unhealthy just beat up from the turbulent water under the dam that isnt far up river.

25 fish left till i get 1000, still looking for a monster flathead to make my list complete
