• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Fish landed-I-1/Dennis-1

Happy thanksgiving!!!

We went out to "Farrington" in the cold and after a few hours in it started snowing/rainning. The CP were here and there but after many followers we only landed one each, mine came on "the chatter" and D got his on a rattle trap!

Getting on the very cold side but I think I have a few more trips in me!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~



sorry guys its been a while heres some pics from this month

A litte story for this first pic while steelhead fishing with a spoon I accidently snagged this giant walleye after a quick pic she was released back to the river :nilly:.







sorry for the edit the pic was posted on a local forum It was caught on a orange xrap
edited 2.JPG

Fish landed-1

Dennis and I went back to "Farrington" hoping to find some CP. We both had a little bass chase the crank bait to the boat and I had two little bumps but that was ALL the action we seen by 1:30. At 2 I was going to call it quits but said ill try the back part of the lake, good thing I did!! As we were making are rounds it was a laydown in 22ft of water, so I throw my chatter bait parallel to it and was letting it fall to the bottom but that never happened so with a good hook set I pulled in a nice high two/low three pounder!!!

SUPER cold this morning, one fish landed, and I still had fun!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~


Well im thinking that's it for the year. Dennis and I were supposed to go help out a friend do some electrical work in Philly but that didn't happen so we both had the itch to try out our luck at "lake hoping"

It's not really the temp that's a issue but it's windy, snowing, and the fish aren't active. I lasted like 20 minutes at two spots, it just to much. Dennis crazy behind is still out there casting in the wind!!

Unless we get some really calm days it looks as if 2K10 fishing season is over for me, it's been a good year tho!!!
Fish landed-1

Well Dennis and I did some lake hopping today and after two spots,40+ MPh winds, snow, and extreme cold I was done for the year. But after we did a quick side job I said I got one more try in me!!

"Bakers basin" was our final stop of the day and at one point my guides were freezing up and the wind was a steady 20mph. I tried the chatter bait and the crank bait, after not seeing any action i went to my last resort "the jig". I only pull the jig out when nothing else will work, I hate fishing SLOW! So I do back to back cast in this laydown/brush pile(50ft away) just dragging the jig across the wood on the bottom. On the second cast I felt the jig come across a log and start to fall then "tick tick", oh sh** I got a bite, reeled in alittle slack, and BAM fish on!! It was a very nice 50 ft fight with a low three pounder!!!

Extremely cold(crazy) but catching that fish made it all worth it, I love fishing!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~


^^ nice cold weather catch. Thats tough fishing right there. Everything here is icing over like crazy. I went middle of last month with no action and that was it for me.

Hope I can share some more pictures next year. I always fish by myself and have no one to take the pics!

Good season everyone!