Pomatomus;3748552; said:
I'm looking for bowfin for my marine laboratory.
While it's been 15+ years... The bloodier half of a bluegill + large hook + stainless leader + 8lb Spiderwire (again, been a while... It'd rip cattails out by the roots as a comparison to mono.) One of the smaller basic shark rigs you guys use down there for surf casting would honestly do just fine without the weights. They'll find it in the weeds, but if it's floating just above, expect a faster hit.
Catching them consisted of tossing said bit of fish into the nastiest section of water you can find (typically the shallow weed logged areas with a bit of open water above), and either using a float, or slowly dragging it across. If they're there, they'll hit it. I can honestly say I never saw one pass up a free meal. I'm assuming you're trying to catch a smaller one to grow into the 3'+ version, so scale your bluegill accodingly.
Never hooked one on a lure, or in relatively open water I'd fish for anything else in the span of 7 or so years. ~12 acre private nonmotorized lake for a backyard in MI if it helps. These guys seem a bit more enthusiastic about them though...
If it wasn't a bowfin, it'd be a hook-free bullhead half the size of the bluegill that just wouldn't let go. Snapping turtles were a tasty bonus.
Be ready for a fight, I used to hook them and let them tow the paddleboat around the cove a bit to tire them out enough to land easily.
I miss being able to consider full grown bullfrogs bait for largemouths.
For now, the only fishing I get to do is using my arm as bait when cleaning the convict's tank - I must be good, I always get a few bites.