• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Headed to the creek but didn't catch a damn thing, excpet a fishing rod. i was so surprised to have reel in what i thought was a stick that was acutally a fish rod, its a ****ty shakespeare thats been in the muck for a while but it was still a nice surprise.
strike 1.

Headed to the main river today to my previous yellow perch hole. it was cold at first and didnt warm up much. I think my partner and i missed a bite or 2. The water had been real up from the storms, the park was covered in driftwood and bits of trashed that had washed over the barrier. We found a few floats and some random lures but no fish.
Strike 2.

Tomorrow is the yellow perch tourament. I really hope i can catch something. Ive never had any luck in the park its being held in. After the tournament ill head back to todays spot and try again in the afternoon after its been warmer for awhile.
Dreamsofpeace54;3952264; said:
Headed to the creek but didn't catch a damn thing, excpet a fishing rod. i was so surprised to have reel in what i thought was a stick that was acutally a fish rod, its a ****ty shakespeare thats been in the muck for a while but it was still a nice surprise.
strike 1.

Headed to the main river today to my previous yellow perch hole. it was cold at first and didnt warm up much. I think my partner and i missed a bite or 2. The water had been real up from the storms, the park was covered in driftwood and bits of trashed that had washed over the barrier. We found a few floats and some random lures but no fish.
Strike 2.

Tomorrow is the yellow perch tourament. I really hope i can catch something. Ive never had any luck in the park its being held in. After the tournament ill head back to todays spot and try again in the afternoon after its been warmer for awhile.

Good luck !!!

so we get there around 9 and people are already fishing for the tournament. There was no organization to this tournament but i was able to get my first fish of the year a yellow perch. He was barely 9 inches and was released unharmed. Feels good man!

we left around 11 and then to get some lunch. we hit up my pier from yesterday at 12. After an hour my dad was able to catch this on a minnow. he said it was a carp, but im thinking it some sort of chub. Im looking online now but hoping some has a more common name to help me out.

Anyways it feels good to get that first fish.
Unknown fish is with the blue sweatshirt, any one know what it is?



FINALLY! the bat rays have returned to the bay area! I went fishing them and was broken off by a HUGE ray that was easily 120lbs+ since I was using 65lb braid and my drag wasnt very tight at all and I caught another that was 42.9lbs who fought great she jumped 3 times completely out of the water, splashed countless other times and pulled out 200 yards of 65lb line with the drag very tight before being turned! Heres a couple of pictures of her.
bat ray 1.jpg
bat ray 2.jpg
bat ray 3.jpg
Dreamsofpeace54;3956128; said:

so we get there around 9 and people are already fishing for the tournament. There was no organization to this tournament but i was able to get my first fish of the year a yellow perch. He was barely 9 inches and was released unharmed. Feels good man!

we left around 11 and then to get some lunch. we hit up my pier from yesterday at 12. After an hour my dad was able to catch this on a minnow. he said it was a carp, but im thinking it some sort of chub. Im looking online now but hoping some has a more common name to help me out.

Anyways it feels good to get that first fish.
Unknown fish is with the blue sweatshirt, any one know what it is?
yes some species of chub
what peacock bass?
Overnight_Pet_Supples;3956685; said:
I love the colors on the peacock bass...

I think he means your perch
Great stuff everyone!!

Yesterday I went out on my first boat trip. Only action I seen was a small CP chase a crank bait to the boat. Bout to try again today!

IDK know if y'all remember my boy Dennis but he went to one of my old shore fishing spots and got 2 bass, and one crappie yesterday!!!
Yea, yellow perch are amazing fish. They don't get very big but are a huge hit for the anglers here. Every fall anglers compete with each other for space and they try the luck on the perch. There isnt much ice fishing around but come march they are back at it. Ive heard they make excellent table fair, but i find that their beauty it was keep me comign back. I think they are absolutely gorgeous. I attempted to keep a small one in a tank but he refused to eat. He was released into a farm pond nearby when im sure he is doing much better.