• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Spots fished-4

Time fished-5.25 hrs

Fish landed-I-6/Dennis-1

The college of NJ was the starter lake today. I banged the first one which came on the jig. I was able to land another before we walked to the back lake. Dennis got his first of the day and then we left!

The next spot is what we call a "GIVE ME" lake. We usually do so good that the 25 minute drive doesnt even matter. Well not today, either of us were able to land anything!!

Thrid lake is on the same street and also was a waste of time. At one point the wind was blowing like 30mph!!

The last and final lake is "AMC" I didnt even want to go here but Dennis wasnt ready to give up yet. I aint mad at him!! First fish came about five minutes on the water. I walked around to where a creek mouth emptys in. On my first cast BAM a very nice 2.11lb bass jumped right on the spinny!! Ran to where Dennis was and had him take the pic for me then ran right back to my spot. I pulled two more off the creeK mouth and moved on. I walked all the way around the place and we gave up for the day.

It was kind of a long day but I had fun!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~



cichlid fiend;4009565; said:
Spots fished-4

Time fished-5.25 hrs

Fish landed-I-6/Dennis-1

The college of NJ was the starter lake today. I banged the first one which came on the jig. I was able to land another before we walked to the back lake. Dennis got his first of the day and then we left!

The next spot is what we call a "GIVE ME" lake. We usually do so good that the 25 minute drive doesnt even matter. Well not today, either of us were able to land anything!!

Thrid lake is on the same street and also was a waste of time. At one point the wind was blowing like 30mph!!

The last and final lake is "AMC" I didnt even want to go here but Dennis wasnt ready to give up yet. I aint mad at him!! First fish came about five minutes on the water. I walked around to where a creek mouth emptys in. On my first cast BAM a very nice 2.11lb bass jumped right on the spinny!! Ran to where Dennis was and had him take the pic for me then ran right back to my spot. I pulled two more off the creeK mouth and moved on. I walked all the way around the place and we gave up for the day.

It was kind of a long day but I had fun!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~

awsome report glad you got some fish.

I went out today to see if the river was low enough to fish it wasent.... water was even higher then before! it will probably be about 5 days till the water goes down enough to fish and the walleyes start to bite again. It been a really suckey walleye year so far.

I did hit a local pond that i havet fished for about a year though There was a massive fish kill 2 summers ago and i never came back. went there today and found a skunk. Only fished for about 30 min though.
Spots fished-1

Time fished-9.25 hrs

Fish landed-I-4/Dennis-3

It was a alittle colder and the wind was blowing at times today at my "Lakewood spot". In the first 10 minutes Dennis was able to land his first(a small CP). I still hadnt had a bite when "D" got his second(small bass). Both of his fish came on a rattle trap! We are throwing everything at them, it so slow im tring the jig(I hate fishing slow). So as were are making are way to the back it two bridges we have to go under. One is a small wooden one and the other is a cement one that a main road is on. As we approach the first bridge(wooden one) I throw the jig around it before we go under it but it didnt produce any bites. So as we approach the cement bridge I see on the corner where the shore line meets the bridge its a pile of leaves creating like a a over hang. So I throw my jig over there and BAM a very nice 3.2lb bass started walking with it. I set the hook and had a nice fight with the beast.
The bite was still very slow, I just got lucky to find that one bass. Dennis and I was getting alittle restless but I told "D" the "moon clock" said that 2-4pm was a good time to be fishing. I would have to say it was right cause at 2:10 I had a monster CP hit a crank bait right at the boat. Before 4pm came I had landed three more fish and a had few followers that would turn around once they seen me. We spented two more hours on the water and that gave Dennis the chance to land a monster CP, we didnt weight it but it was 3lbs+ ALLDAY!! We didnt see anymore action after that and gave up at 6pm.
Not the greatest day but I did land a beast!! :headbang2

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STREESS LESS~~~~~~~




Awsome updates! That first pike that Dave caught is certainly tank worthy. :grinyes: That second one was pan worthy. :naughty:
Went out with my friend yesterday, and caught seven fish about 1hour 30 minutes. Me 2 him 5. I caught the first and biggest on a deepwater crank and then he just caught the rest one a shallow cranks
Spots fished-1

Time fished-1 hr

Fish landed-I-1

After going to my nephews karate tournament my brother was fiending to go fishing so I gave in and we out to "The college of of NJ".

I think the sudden cold weather has shut the bass down alittle. Dennis called me and said he had been out lake hopping today and wasnt able to get a bite anywhere. I was starting to think I wasnt going to catch anything also but NO NO. Big bruh had given up already but I walked around one more time just to try my luck. I got lucky when I came acroos a bass plotting of a school of small bluegills.

The fish were in one of there moods but I still had fun!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~~

Spots fished-2

Time fished-2.75 hrs

Fish landed-I-3/Nephew-7

My nephew called and wanted to take the boat and I said NO WAY, so instead I take him out to "AMC". We tried for 45 minutes before I felt like we were just dead casting.
As we were leaving I told him that I would take him somewhere that he could definitely catch something. I went on to tell him that if we cant catch something where im taking you that the bass just arent biting today.
So I pull up to a small pond that nobody thinks, its fish in it. I call it one of my "give me" lakes. Its a retention pond that they build behind a high school in the Hamilton area. The water is always murky but today it was super bad. I still just throw what I usually kill the bass with here and that is the white spinny. Well after about 20 minutes we are thinking that maybe we should try somehting that is noisey. So I tied a chatter bait on and my nephew threw on a chrome rattle trap with a green top(cordell). After he banged his third and I switched to a chrome with the black top. I still didnt catch anything and he got his forth. I switched back to the spinny and got my first. After that he banged a couple more and man was he rubbing it in my face( he doesnt get to out fish me much). So I do something that I dont much and that is pull out the all black 10" worm with a quarter oz bullet weight. On my third cast all fell that "tink tink" I let the fish walk with the worm and set the hook but come back with NOTHING. A few casts later I had threw out about 60ft and got nothing so im just reeling in and as im pulling the worm out of the water a monster 3 pounder grabbed it, the stupid fish made off with my worm. I was SUPER MAD :irked:. My nephew banged another fish before he retired to collect some rocks for his fish tank. I on the other hand switched to a MAPPS #5 in line spinner. I banged two small ones before we gave up.

My nephew KILLED me on with rattle trap today but ha you cant win them all!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~



Went out for the first time today. River was very muddy, high, and running fast. I am going to try the delaware tomorow hopefully if the rian holds up
Tstove15;4025592; said:
Went out for the first time today. River was very muddy, high, and running fast. I am going to try the delaware tomorow hopefully if the rian holds up

Man the river isnt going to clear up for awhile!!

I would do small lakes and ponds if I was you. They will have a higher water temperture and will probably clear up faster.
cichlid fiend;4026510; said:
Man the river isnt going to clear up for awhile!!

I would do small lakes and ponds if I was you. They will have a higher water temperture and will probably clear up faster.
you would be surprised how fast rivers can clear up, on a side note ive done best at rivers on thos high, flooded, muddy days and tend to fish the river most during these times.