• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Spots fished-1

Time fished-8.5 hrs

Fish landed-I-11/Big Bruh(BJAY)-5

Got off work early and big bruh and I were fishing "Mercer County" at 11am. Bruh landed the first fish which was a nice two pounder on the spinny.I follwed right up with one on the buzzy. Usually we catch yellow perch while bass fishing but today instead of yellow perch it was white perch that were being caught. We both were able to land one each. The bite was dragged out most of the day but around 6 they started turning on. At 7:30 as we are making are rounds BAM here comes number 11, so I do my usual and swing the fish in the boat. I grabed the fish by his mouth but my left hand dropped the pole and when that happen it caused the trailor hook that is hanging from the buzzy to set right in my hand :irked:. After detaching the buzzy from the trailor we then cut the hook. The barb didnt go all the way through so I was screwed. We called it a day and made are way back to the boat ramp. Funny thing was through as we were headed in a boat we talked to earlier was pulling in a very nice 3 pounder.

I hooked my hand, now thats one for the memory bank!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~



Spots fished-1

Time fished-7 hrs

Fish landed-I-2/Dennis-3

The day started out at 2pm at "Mercer County". The bite was SUPER SLOW. Dennis landed three small ones before I landed my first. I let two little ones get off that throught the 3" sebil looked good to eat. So my first landed come by way of the spinny and the second was on the buzzy.

Very slow day, I hate the dog days of summer!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~

Spots fished-1

Time fished-12.75 hrs

Fish landed-I-8/Dennis-3

We chose "Farrington" today cause we have been fishing some much at "Mercer County" we needed a break from it. The bite was SUPER SLOW. Dennis was able to land the biggest of the day that came in at 3.1!!

Sorry no pics today cause my phone tripping again :irked:

A HOT & LONG day!!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~
Dreamsofpeace54;4211665; said:
i rarely fish for bass anymore, but i am going tuesday.

last friday was no exception but i didnt catch a nice smallie. i was jigging a small crappie tube up and down to catch sunfish to cut up for bait for catfish, and then wam. Smallie takes me for a run.

funny thing is, i only caught 2 smallies last year. And both came out of the same exact spot. the bigger one was eaten, the only black bass i have ever kept, and to be honest ill probably never keep another, yuck. The smaller one was 10", so i seriously doubt its the same fish.

Our battle was short but very exciting.

a hair shy of 17" and 2lbs on the nose.

Smallies are the ish!!!

I have yet to land some yet. I can go down to the D&R canal or the delaware for them.
Trisomy21;4214054; said:
Wow, lots of Bass. Though catching them during spawning is all too easy. Hope you guys are releasing them at least.

All catch and release boss, except for a big crappie here and there!!
TOTAL CATCHES-406 :headbang2

Bass & CP's-384


Blue gills-3

Y. Perch-4

W. Perch-1


Blue fish-(saltwater)-3

cmon brother only 406?! I was up to that by March in bass alone!

I tease but you're doing a great job out there man stunner year!