Tequila;4219337; said:Though the head isn't visable I do know it's not a regular old garter snake, more than not it's probably a harmless common water snake. If I were there I probably would have attempted to catch it.
A venomous snakes like a cotton mouth would have more than likely stood it's ground, if not come towards you. Early morning fishing in Florida when I used to go out fishing by myself, I used to carry a 48 inch snake hook, and just toss whatever snakes there was into the water and watch the gators go after them. A 2~3ft cotton mouth is to a 7~12ft gator is like a 10 inch worm to a big hungry Bass, the dinner bell is a ringing. Water moccasins come out though more often than not right after it rains or in the early morning for some early sunning to warm up. And they generally are known to stand there ground, sort of like there venomous and they know it.
When I had my nephew at college of NJ he got the biggest kick out of seeing a brown water snake trying to swallow a sunfish, that it had managed to catch.

I knew that this snake was different than any others i have seen before and it seemed to big to be a garter but i looked up water snakes online and they pretty much look the same....so water snakes do no harm?