I just recieved a Gar fish from a friend that had him in a 25 Gal wich was not a good home.
I have him in a 75 Gal until I can donate him to a place that will be a well suited home for him.
I am well aware that a 75 Gal is no were near big enough for this guy.
He is currently 15 inches in length.
My question is...
Is it a True Alligator Gar as I was told or another in the Gar family?
And also how much time do I have to get him to a proper home?
As I said I am well aware i can not properly care for him but a Temporary home in a 75 Gal
is better than the 25 He was in.
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99.9% flg unless it was wild caught... and then they'de need a collection point.. 75 isn't ideal but its def not a bad tank-size for him atm. I kept my flg in their 75 until they where about that size.. so depending how old this fish is he may already be stunted and be fine in the 75 for a long-time yet. but a 24"deep tank would def suit him much better in the near future (by himself a 120W 4x2 footprint (same dims as 75 just deeper) would suffice imo for life or 180/220. footprint is the most important number as they are like sticks and don't bend well obviousely so width and legth are more important then depth as long as it's reasonable. not a crazy like frag tank thats 8" deep or something like that) On the positive side.. hes one of the smallest species of gar. so if you wanted to keep him you'de likely only need one upgrade for him.