Geo Balzani from Rapps on the your Balzani pics!!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo



Some serious color on your balzani Ed, beautiful.
I don't find a cool down very difficult, it just means unplugging a heater for a while.
I keep Gymnogeophagus yerbalito with bristlenose plecos, and Xenotoca eiseni, and I think the variation in temp does them all good.


The cool down seems to bring about better colors, they always seem to have a growth spurt right after,

and spawn like crazy.
I agree with aclockwork, they really don't work with tropicals, and not just the cool down.
I tried balzani a few years back with some centrals, the Gymnos are generally much milder in demeanor, and they couldn't handle the normal chaotic nature of the similar sized Viejas or Herichthys I tried to keep them with, especially in the constant temps I was using at the time.
After seeing Ed and Armands photo's, I think its time to try them again, the right way.
Here are a few pics of my Balzanii:


The first two are more recent. You can see that the male's color is definitely better in a cooler tank.

As far as no cool-down, Weidner's book does state that Balzanii are the most wide-ranging of the Gymnogeophagus. At the extreme Northern part of their range they experience near-constant temps. I suppose if they started with a Northern race it may be possible to keep them at tropical temps, but you aren't going to breed that requirement out in a few generations if they were a Southern strain to begin with.




I was actually looking at these guys at another online vendor. Really like them....for those of you keeping them what type of stock do you keep them with?
Thanks guys for the pics. Each one was more beautiful than the next. I am awaiting mine to be delivered today. Gonna acclimate them for an hour or so, drip method. However, I just checked my pH and it's around 6.0-6.2. Not sure if thats gonna be a problem or not. I was under the impression the only way they could be harmed by pH was when the pH was too high. Any insight on pH and the Balzani's?