Geophagus Altifrons tankmates


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
I really love the Threadfin Acara, but after some reading, I found they are murderous to one another when get to reproductive age.
What are the others that are smaller?
Thank you, I'll look up the geophagine that are smaller.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
I really love the Threadfin Acara, but after some reading, I found they are murderous to one another when get to reproductive age.
What are the
Not only murderous but glutinous lol. This is a very knowledgeable member who can guide you in the right direction duanes duanes .
You helped me great!
others that are smaller?
Thank you, I'll look up the geophagine that are smaller.


MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I had 6 Geo altifrons in a 150 gal with Guianacara sp, Meshoheroes and ornatum.
I was warned by an expert, that in a little over two years, the tank would be too small for the altifrons, because at 3 years old they become mature, and need something larger. I thought I knew better, how could an @ 10" fish be too large for a 6ft 150?.
At 3 years, as if a light bulb went off, they killed each other almost over night.
They were never aggressive with other species, only each other.

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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
I had 6 Geo altifrons in a 150 gal with Guianacara sp, Meshoheroes and ornatum.
I was warned by an expert, that in a little over two years, the tank would be too small for the altifrons, because at 3 years old they become mature, and need something larger. I thought I knew better, how could an @ 10" fish be too large for a 6ft 150?.
At 3 years, as if a light bulb went off, they killed each other almost over night.
They were never aggressive with other species, only each other.

Yeah, that is no way close to what I want.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
I had 6 Geo altifrons in a 150 gal with Guianacara sp, Meshoheroes and ornatum.
I was warned by an expert, that in a little over two years, the tank would be too small for the altifrons, because at 3 years old they become mature, and need something larger. I thought I knew better, how could an @ 10" fish be too large for a 6ft 150?.
At 3 years, as if a light bulb went off, they killed each other almost over night.
They were never aggressive with other species, only each other.

To you, Would 5 of the Red Heads be ok in this size tank? Appears any more would be pushing it in the size than I will be getting.
Also, I really like the Threadfin acara, I have done some reading that they too are aggressive with one another ( seems even more so than the Altifrons) . Would one be happy with, say, 4 Red Heads in a 150?
Thanks for your help.


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Sorry I misread read before, and thought you meant Acarichthys heckelli (the thread fins) and that is what I was referring to.
These days there are the red (or orange) head groups
the red head Tapajos, which I have kept, (part of the altifrons clade) and I didn't find aggressive in that size tank.
Or the red hump group(the G steindachneri clade) which even though small, can be quite aggressive with each other.
The term red head is very vague, so using scientific names would go a long way to being accurate.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
Sorry I misread read before, and thought you meant Acarichthys heckelli (the thread fins) and that is what I was referring to.
These days there are the red (or orange) head groups
the red head Tapajos, which I have kept, (part of the altifrons clade) and I didn't find aggressive in that size tank.
Or the red hump group(the G steindachneri clade) which even though small, can be quite aggressive with each other.
The term red head is very vague, so using scientific names would go a long way to being accurate.
I'm sorry, all these names are new to me and didn't realize the nomenclature could be misconstrued. I actually was interested initially in the Acarichthys heckelli but with some reading I found that they could not be put together except in very large tanks and by people very experienced. I am getting a 150 why ch is not adequate and while I have kept discus for 15+ years, am inexperienced in SA's of other species.
After reading more ( there is such conflicting information out in internet land, which I'm Survyour aware of) I had chosen the Geophagus Altifrons because I had read that they were more " peaceful". But, now I am really convinced confused.
So, with what I learned from last night, I thought I needed to pick some other species of Geophagus that would be more appropriate for my size tank. I am not interested in fish to breed nor want to get a species that will murder each other.

Sorry again, the last post I was asking if ( now that I need to find a Geophagus that is less boisterous) would first of all: THe Red ahead Tapajos even better behaved? Five be okay in a 150?
And, as an aside, could I exchange 1 of the Tapajos for a Acarichthys heckelli.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
I'm sorry, all these names are new to me and didn't realize the nomenclature could be misconstrued. I actually was interested initially in the Acarichthys heckelli but with some reading I found that they could not be put together except in very large tanks and by people very experienced. I am getting a 150 why ch is not adequate and while I have kept discus for 15+ years, am inexperienced in SA's of other species.
After reading more ( there is such conflicting information out in internet land, which I'm Survyour aware of) I had chosen the Geophagus Altifrons because I had read that they were more " peaceful". But, now I am really convinced confused.
So, with what I learned from last night, I thought I needed to pick some other species of Geophagus that would be more appropriate for my size tank. I am not interested in fish to breed nor want to get a species that will murder each other.

Sorry again, the last post I was asking if ( now that I need to find a Geophagus that is less boisterous) would first of all: THe Red ahead Tapajos even better behaved? Five be okay in a 150?
And, as an aside, could I exchange 1 of the Tapajos for a Acarichthys heckelli.[/QUOT
Please excuse type errors- on my phone.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
I have found heckelii do not do well in hard water.They seem fine up to around the 4 inch mark.
Eventually they become very prone to bacterial infections. I have witnessed this first hand. I have also heard it said by other hobbyists.
I also found they can become aggressive and this was in a 210 gallon.
Have you considered a group of biotadoma cupido?
They also do well in groups are peaceful and won't out grow your tank.
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