GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
noiesmo;1799909; said:
Thanks Tequila, yes it's 2.5 foot high and 10ft long x 4ft wide, as Loulou has mentioned. :naughty:

Dude again the tank really SUPER AWSOME the only thing that would make it any better would be to move out the GG and move in more live plants and either stock it full of Discus or my personal favorite a total Tetra tank.:screwy:
Tequila;1800342; said:
Dude again the tank really SUPER AWSOME the only thing that would make it any better would be to move out the GG and move in more live plants and either stock it full of Discus or my personal favorite a total Tetra tank.:screwy:

Yeah I hear yah! But I did build the tank with GG and other 8inch + fish in mind.

The plants are, well, filler and also deco, I'm hoping I can keep the GG happy with diet of fresh vege's, fruit and dry foods. So he/she leaves the bulk of the plants alone.
noiesmo;1800482; said:
Yeah I hear yah! But I did build the tank with GG and other 8inch + fish in mind.

The plants are, well, filler and also deco, I'm hoping I can keep the GG happy with diet of fresh vege's, fruit and dry foods. So he/she leaves the bulk of the plants alone.

Yeah good luck with that....mine do nothing but fight all night long and rip up the tank too. If it's green they eat it or shread it, Hmmmm you have a large enough tank you want 4 more GG's?:D I don't think mine will make it through the rest of this year. There either going to drive me to cooking them of maybe I should just through them in the family pond hehehe.:D
Loads of thanks for the pictures of the bulhkeads, my friend noiesmo :) I really really appreciate it.

Aaargh! I wish I had the space to build a bigger tank in which I could use these bulkheads and also a sump (I'd convert my 5 footer into one). And, when I say space, I mean I'm concerned about weight really. I have enough space in my room for a 10 x 3 x 2.5 tank (which, filled at 80%, would have held 1699.01 Litres or 449.47 gallons). But As I'm on the first floor... well... Especially when I think that I'll have to also consider the weight of the sump...

I feel really bad about this. I have all the plans and I could manage to find bulkheads and all. Funds should not be too much of a problem. But! Aaaaargh!


Brother Yanbbrox, try to use your flash but don't shoot perpendicular to the glass (as this would create the glare/reflection). Just get close, aim at a slight angle and shoot. :)
Just finished a 30% water change in the small tank... vacuuming the sand is such a breeze... :) I've also rearranged the plastic plants to clean up the mess done by the crayfish... she didn't seem too happy about this...

Here are two pictures taken just after the rearrangement... She comes out to see what I have done... and then starts munching on one of the plants! :screwy:

(Sorry about the out-of-topic nature of this post)


Also took pictures of the small RTGG with the deformed jaw... one of each side...


... and a picture of the big RTGG... :)

Second experiment with veggies :) Lettuce :)

She seems to like it... biting off small bits and munching... :)
noiesmo;1799927; said:
Thanks, that's ok Yanbbrox. I had intended to do a diy background to hide the blue but it hasn't happened :( I am hoping the plants will eventually hide the background and the GG won't realize the plants = food :ROFL:

A diy background on that tank would be so :cool:

The tank might be big enough and the gg small enough for it to accept the plants as part of it's habit and not food, either that or it will rip them all out and eat them when it puts 2 and 2 together ;)

Tequila;1800342; said:
Dude again the tank really SUPER AWSOME the only thing that would make it any better would be to move out the GG and move in more live plants and either stock it full of Discus or my personal favorite a total Tetra tank.:screwy:
10000 neons in one huge showal, with discus that don't die :headbang2

Loulou;1800724; said:

Brother Yanbbrox, try to use your flash but don't shoot perpendicular to the glass (as this would create the glare/reflection). Just get close, aim at a slight angle and shoot. :)
I'll see what I can do