GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That clears that up then;)

After studying your photos again I think George may be Georgina;)
:OMG: what a difference a new bulb can makes, I can't wait until I get a second new bulb. The fish look unbelivable under this new bulb, especially the red parrots and the red on the RTGG's. It almost makes me wanna get all red parrots and paint the back ground black for a total maintainence free tank.
Check this out before and:


can you believe it, what a difference a bulb makes!

More to come...........:headbang2
Sheesh dam, same fish, same camera settings. I can't wait until the other bulb arrives. Check these beast out dudes and ladies.

Head Shot, of the untouchable male:

As close as I can get on the his babe:

Close up on his rival:

And his battle scares (this one gonna leave a mark):

And it's not like he doesn't have enough marks already.
All I can say about these fish is regardless of the battle scares they are truly unbelievable. The smaller male is just AWSOME here, though I do believe that if someone was to breed these fish that these 2 couples would produce some of the most outragous offspring. While the 3 fish 1 male 2 females all have the same background color, the smaller male, keeps a dark overall profile and is a breeder just begging to be bred. Though I have tried my best to capture these fish at there best seeing them in person at this point is the best way to judge there full beauty and size.

I believe that if I don't rid myself of them soon through either eating them or selling them I will invest the time and maybe the money to preperly photograph or videograph them.:irked:

More too come:........................
Your selling them, eating them, keeping them, thinking of trying to breed them:nilly::nilly:

They are fighting and plotting against you:nilly::nilly:

Personally I couldn't care less, I'm enjoying the continual updates, and watching them mess with your head;)

To trying to breed would be very interesting especially as they are bubble nesters, I never heard of being done before, doesn't mean it can't. Trouble is you can't send the off spring to Lou as he's now got three and you could end up with a small army plotting against you:ROFL:

Excellent photos again, the red it truly amazing.
Bulbs are funny things, I came across a marine bulb ages ago can't remember where from and put it on the discus tank and the difference was fantastic, took it off not so long after as the fish didn't seem to like it.

:popcorn: for more pics:)
Yanbbrox;1832966; said:
Your selling them, eating them, keeping them, thinking of trying to breed them:nilly::nilly:

They are fighting and plotting against you:nilly::nilly:

Personally I couldn't care less, I'm enjoying the continual updates, and watching them mess with your head;)

To trying to breed would be very interesting especially as they are bubble nesters, I never heard of being done before, doesn't mean it can't. Trouble is you can't send the off spring to Lou as he's now got three and you could end up with a small army plotting against you:ROFL:

Excellent photos again, the red it truly amazing.
Bulbs are funny things, I came across a marine bulb ages ago can't remember where from and put it on the discus tank and the difference was fantastic, took it off not so long after as the fish didn't seem to like it.

:popcorn: for more pics:)

Dude if I had the room, I'm sure that I could breed them. I just don't have that kinda space right now. And to do it just to be able to say I did it isn't reason enough to try.

Now with the new lighting I kinda wanna just drain the whole dam tank, do a bit of needed maintenance on it. Paint the background & both sides Black & keep nothing other than about 15~17 Red Parrot fish, with a center piece of bout half dozen Aponogeton Ulvaceus and leave it at that.
crazy clowntang;1822567; said:
well tequila name me a price and let me know where you are and i could get the fish from you.

You still interested in these beasts?
Tequila;1830450; said:
It's punishment for settling for second best grey, instead of going for black tubing :ROFL:
:ROFL: You may be right about that!

Anyway, I've fixed the problem... and without any silicon... just had to tighten the fittings a bit. :)