GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mine was pretty mean picking on a RTC that was almost twice his size and quite capable of eating him. Had the RTC at around 7", and GG at 4". My GG has been growing faster than all the other fish in my tank. Hopefully he will mellow out soon. Has the nasty habit of nipping the tail of the RTC.
junito;978037; said:
Mine was pretty mean picking on a RTC that was almost twice his size and quite capable of eating him. Had the RTC at around 7", and GG at 4". My GG has been growing faster than all the other fish in my tank. Hopefully he will mellow out soon. Has the nasty habit of nipping the tail of the RTC.
Heres an example.
i got a redtail gg and it fights with my dempsey from time to time! he has a lot of red on his fins and i hope he gets bigger
the bigger is about 8 to 9inches ,the albinos ar about 7,
the grey is the boss , he just love to get food , like liver , prawns,small frogs
they will eat everything that i trow into the tank
I rarely see any big albino one arund. Can anyone show me one monster albino Gourami?:)


yeah i don't know why the middle one isn't working. that's the best one