GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ours is not dyed, its an [SIZE=-1]Osphronemus exodon, elephant ear giant. I'll post a pic later
Tried for ages to get a decent pic of the gg, it just won't keep still, the damaged fin is on the mend, and it's started to grow like crazy. It must have grown about 2-3cm in length in the month we've had it...



wheres that one with spots and whats the verdict on his pattern?



Hey, this looks like the thread for me.

I've been lurking on MFK for a few days, lots of good information for a fish newbie like myself. I found the side after doing a search on how to construct a larger tank.

I have a male GG that's about 18" long in a 75gal tank, the filter is a Rena XP3, and the whole setup was given to me by a sweet old lady that could no longer take care of Gussy. Food consists of whatever fruits and vegies we're eating. When I make a salad, Gussy gets the trimmed off lettuce pieces, and he'll much on apple cores, blueberries, over-ripe banannas, and such. It's about like having a vegetarian pig in the water.

With the exception of a crayfish that Gussy seemed more than curious about, there's never been any aggressive behavior towards the occasional goldfish or chinese alge eater that's been in there with him. Get near tank, however, and you'll get a good look at the inside of his mouth, as the innumerable scratches on the inside of the acrylic will attest to.
Pics please, what sort is he?. I came home from work today and the wife was feeding ours bread, apparently a new favorite food.
i just signed up a couple of min. ago...I love fish.and especially my GG.His name is piggy,i'm sure everybody knows why.
he is atleast 20 inches long and about 3 inches thick,only had him for a little over a year.He's in a 100 gallon aquarium.I think it's getting too small.
he eat's everything,nightcrawlers,bananas,grapes,and think's crickets are chocolate covered cherries.
Yanbbrox, your tank is sweet :) though I'd preferred a darker background and some substrate (yeah, I fell in love with substrate now).

Post more pictures, please. ;)

I'm new here as well.I have a giant gourami,he's in a 100 gal with a couple of catfish.I got him when he was about 2 inches(funny story).He is now 20 plus and has a personality to match his size.Eat's about anything i put in his house(tank).Love to talk about him and show him off.Most people have never seen a fish this big in a home aquarium including me.I would love to chat about my beautiful fish,you can reach me I look forward to chatting.
Those are very,very,nice fish.keep up the good work raising them.