GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Bogwoodbruce;2285217; said:
Hows the big boy doing Yannbrox?
Eating, eating and if there's any spare time left eating some more. He's on mainly fruit at the minute, peaches, bananas, mango, all chopped up, goes through to handfuls a day, plus lettuce.

You still got the 3, I seem to remember you gave one away?

George says hello:

Yanbbrox;2285977; said:
Eating, eating and if there's any spare time left eating some more. He's on mainly fruit at the minute, peaches, bananas, mango, all chopped up, goes through to handfuls a day, plus lettuce.

You still got the 3, I seem to remember you gave one away?

George says hello:
View attachment 262330

Hello George, I'm Zennz...sorry I was calling your Cat friend by your name...After seeing you, I'll never forget your face giant George...

:eek: He is Huge!
zennzzo;2286292; said:
Hello George, I'm Zennz...sorry I was calling your Cat friend by your name...After seeing you, I'll never forget your face giant George...

:eek: He is Huge!

I estimated that he'd need a new tank three years after we got him, we're about 14 months in and now he's started to eat again that might be closer to 2 years. He stopped eating for about 2 months when he had tank mates, he finally got them and now he's got the place to himself again he won't stop eating. I need to finished the pond before I can even consider starting construction on that;)

Believe it or not there is a huge pleco in that tank that lives under the internal filter, comes out every now and again but it's impossible to take a picture, I'd have to set up a webcam to show you
Yanbbrox;2286348; said:

I estimated that he'd need a new tank three years after we got him, we're about 14 months in and now he's started to eat again that might be closer to 2 years. He stopped eating for about 2 months when he had tank mates, he finally got them and now he's got the place to himself again he won't stop eating. I need to finished the pond before I can even consider starting construction on that;)

Believe it or not there is a huge pleco in that tank that lives under the internal filter, comes out every now and again but it's impossible to take a picture, I'd have to set up a webcam to show you
What do these look like as Juvi's and what is the scientific name please?
I had some gouramis as a kid, but that was a really long time ago...
zennzzo;2286646; said:
What do these look like as Juvi's and what is the scientific name please?
I had some gouramis as a kid, but that was a really long time ago...

Osphronemus goramy, common
Osphronemus laticlavius, red tail
Osphronemus exodon, elephant ear
Osphronemus septemfasciatus

George is an elephant ear, very rare they develop teeth in as they get older, they are only gg to do that..
septemfasciatus: little is know about

I'll try and dig up a picture when he was a baby, Bruce was in the LFS about a month or so from when we got him, there is a picture on this thread somewhere

crazy clowntang;2285192; said:
so you are gonna eat your fish tequila?

it's starting to look that way yeap, well at least one to see it they taste any good. Seen many people in Florida catch Oscars and they say there good eating, so when I caught a few threw them in the cooler and gave them a try. Taste more like mud than fish too me, but was worth the try.
Tequila;2287152; said:
it's starting to look that way yeap, well at least one to see it they taste any good. Seen many people in Florida catch Oscars and they say there good eating, so when I caught a few threw them in the cooler and gave them a try. Taste more like mud than fish too me, but was worth the try.

yanbbrox, what type of filteration do you have in your tank? Your water seems pretty clear, and mines looks kinda murky. Would adding a air stone help?
crazy clowntang;2292995; said:
yanbbrox, what type of filteration do you have in your tank? Your water seems pretty clear, and mines looks kinda murky. Would adding a air stone help?

I just run the air stone for added oxygen in the water nothing more, when we first got it, it was constantly coming up for air being a labyrinth.

Filtration wise there are 2 one internal and one external.

The internal came with the tank and power head:

The external is a canister:
crazy clowntang;2292995; said:
yanbbrox, what type of filteration do you have in your tank? Your water seems pretty clear, and mines looks kinda murky. Would adding a air stone help?

Either switch over to a biological filteration or add Chemi-pure to your existing canister filter. I use nothing but three hundred pounds of gravel & a handful of plastic bio-balls to filter my water.