GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
WOW I have had an gg in a long time!!!!!!!!!!
Well here we go...
Gouramis were the first fish I kept as a 10 yr old kid...
Chrome edged tank UGF with a tablespoon of carbon...Incadesent bulb lighting in a chrome hood... Old school baby.
Fast foward 40 years, back to Gouramis...:headbang2

Giant Gourami 1.jpg
zennzzo;2311846; said:
Well here we go...
Gouramis were the first fish I kept as a 10 yr old kid...
Chrome edged tank UGF with a tablespoon of carbon...Incadesent bulb lighting in a chrome hood... Old school baby.
Fast foward 40 years, back to Gouramis...:headbang2

Those aren't gouramies, they're gourami bait......... I wish my RTGG where that small. My gouramies will get along with most other fish except gouramies, rip them up in a heart beat.
Tequila;2315232; said:
Those aren't gouramies, they're gourami bait......... I wish my RTGG where that small. My gouramies will get along with most other fish except gouramies, rip them up in a heart beat.
Ahhhhh Yeah um, I got up this AM and I can't seem to find them...I looked at this thread and had to make sure I did buy a couple yesterday...they must be hiding...
So I'm kickin' back staring at the tank like I usually do in the hot afternoon.
I notice my Yabby Cray has the last feeder minnow under a piece of slate with him. Now keep in mind this is my Killer Crayfish that has molted 5 times since Feb 08. He is responsible for many a death of small unsuspecting fish and feeders...He's been packing off bits of MP, and Algae waffers two at a time...
Ok, so nothing weird about a Cray keeping a minnow, right?
What do I see, but these long red antenna, and the outline of my Red Tailed Gourami!!...He's been hiding under the piece of Slate with the Crayfish and his minnow...And here I thought they both were Arowana PooP!....
My GG is stilll alive!!
Greetings from my big girl... :)


