GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
three hundred lbs of gravel? I might sound stupid asking this, but you are talking about the gravel in the tank right? where do you put the bio-balls?
crazy clowntang;2297456; said:
three hundred lbs of gravel? I might sound stupid asking this, but you are talking about the gravel in the tank right? where do you put the bio-balls?

Yes the gravel is in the tank, I use a UG system that runs through holes drilled in the tanks bottom and the water then passes through a canister
(Ocean Clear) filter that has about a dozen bio-balls in it, and then the water is pumped back up through another hole, to return to the tank. There's never anything to wash or clean or change in the filteration system other than doing water changes which everyone does. I do bout 40gal WC every 10 or so days
crazy clowntang;2297630; said:
ok, that makes more sense.

But I would love to have a canister that could hold like 100 pounds of gravel and just run the canister that way. That way would be safer for the fish.
The local aquarist to me has two about 2' and they are very agressive and always hungry. I would say they are a very specialist keeper type of fish.
Tequila;2297981; said:
But I would love to have a canister that could hold like 100 pounds of gravel and just run the canister that way. That way would be safer for the fish.
Why not build one, into a sump construction?
A little know fact about the tank of George, is the long severing tank mate. When the tank was community we had 3 plecos in there along with various small gouramis, rainbows and bala sharks, two got huge over the years and suddenly died but the one remained, hidden but alive under the internal filter. Then as the gourmais/rainbows died out we got a killer deal on 3 large silver dollars plus 3 small ones, they died out over the years and we got George, one dollar remained that can be seen earlier in this thread, but George got it after a 6 month stand off, then the moonlight tank mates were added and again everyone got on for 6 or so months until George had had enough and they went. All this time (a good 3 years or so) the pleco has remained, happyily living under the internal filter, the only time we've seen it in the last 2 years was when it was found floating at the top os the tank with all it's fins ripped to shreads and on deaths door. The was sperated and heavily treated to try and save it, and it broke through and went back under the filter again. Regular checks are done to make sure it's still alive and it always is.

Imagine our shock when it emerged to feed(in daylight) on some scraps that George had left:

Sorry for the poor pictue but George was not ammused at the sight and we were in shock, we're going to try and net it out and add it to the pleco tank.

:WHOA: Look at the size difference, it's not a small pleco

ageingone;2297993; said:
The local aquarist to me has two about 2' and they are very agressive and always hungry. I would say they are a very specialist keeper type of fish.
Always hungry yes, specialist no, just a lot of space and when you think you've got enough add a bigger tank;) I dread to think what it's like for Master Tequila, it's bad enough with one in a tank let alone four:WHOA:
Yanbbrox;2298028; said:
Why not build one, into a sump construction?

Nah not worth the trouble especially since the RTGG's time has all but come. I think that I will retire this tank also, for it needs resealing really badly. I don't ike the look at the stand or the light housing anymore, it's time for a change time to move on to something else I think. I have been keeping fish for too long, and no matter how you look at it, nothing ever changes, I'm getting bored.
Tequila;2298446; said:
Nah not worth the trouble especially since the RTGG's time has all but come. I think that I will retire this tank also, for it needs resealing really badly. I don't ike the look at the stand or the light housing anymore, it's time for a change time to move on to something else I think. I have been keeping fish for too long, and no matter how you look at it, nothing ever changes, I'm getting bored.