three hundred lbs of gravel? I might sound stupid asking this, but you are talking about the gravel in the tank right? where do you put the bio-balls?
crazy clowntang;2297456; said:three hundred lbs of gravel? I might sound stupid asking this, but you are talking about the gravel in the tank right? where do you put the bio-balls?
crazy clowntang;2297630; said:ok, that makes more sense.
Why not build one, into a sump construction?Tequila;2297981; said:But I would love to have a canister that could hold like 100 pounds of gravel and just run the canister that way. That way would be safer for the fish.
Always hungry yes, specialist no, just a lot of space and when you think you've got enough add a bigger tankageingone;2297993; said:The local aquarist to me has two about 2' and they are very agressive and always hungry. I would say they are a very specialist keeper type of fish.
Yanbbrox;2298028; said:Why not build one, into a sump construction?
Terrarium?Tequila;2298446; said:Nah not worth the trouble especially since the RTGG's time has all but come. I think that I will retire this tank also, for it needs resealing really badly. I don't ike the look at the stand or the light housing anymore, it's time for a change time to move on to something else I think. I have been keeping fish for too long, and no matter how you look at it, nothing ever changes, I'm getting bored.