GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tequila;2793043; said:
If she swells more, I can always throw in some kale as it is very difficult for them to eat. But then I will have to remove all the other fish too and maybe even the other male if not the other pair. Oh freak'n $$#%&%^! what a pain that will be.
Total nightmare I agree, just out of pure curiosity do you have another tank so it could be possible to try?
zennzzo;2797864; said:
Gosh I hope would be cool to see...
I know, the shipping lanes to Mauritius would be full

(sorry Lou)
Yanbbrox;2797721; said:
Total nightmare I agree, just out of pure curiosity do you have another tank so it could be possible to try?

zennzzo;2797864; said:
Gosh I hope would be cool to see...

NO it wouldn't be a good thing to have them spawn. First off there not keen on being touched at all. So they freak out if they believe that your even thinking of netting them. Secondly, I would then have to remove all other fish from the tank, as they would differently kill off the other smaller fish once I cleared out the other male and possiblly other female too. Third, I would than have to find another way too filter the tank as the return let's out at the water surface. I know this doesn't sound like it would be hard, except it requires placing my hands and arms in the tank an chancing freaking them out, remember there edgy now. Fourth and finally I wanna get rid of the fish - eat them if I have too, as a last resort - I don't wanna breed them.

Why wouldn't I wanna breed them? Because if I'm correct, they are quite predacious towards one another when small, which would mean that in order to rear them safely in a small enviroment I would need to keep them seperately. If I had a lake or mid-size pond I would do it.
Tequila;2798739; said:
NO it wouldn't be a good thing to have them spawn. First off there not keen on being touched at all. So they freak out if they believe that your even thinking of netting them. Secondly, I would then have to remove all other fish from the tank, as they would differently kill off the other smaller fish once I cleared out the other male and possiblly other female too. Third, I would than have to find another way too filter the tank as the return let's out at the water surface. I know this doesn't sound like it would be hard, except it requires placing my hands and arms in the tank an chancing freaking them out, remember there edgy now. Fourth and finally I wanna get rid of the fish - eat them if I have too, as a last resort - I don't wanna breed them.

Why wouldn't I wanna breed them? Because if I'm correct, they are quite predacious towards one another when small, which would mean that in order to rear them safely in a small enviroment I would need to keep them seperately. If I had a lake or mid-size pond I would do it.
So that's a no then, and people say your no fun anymore;)

Seriously though, financially it would not make much sense but from a research point of view it could be interesting. On another note, you've been wanting to get rid/eat them for several months now and reading between the lines(the huge effort you made to save the male) your clearly quite fond of them(deep down somewhere;)). You've got about another 60g on my tank and you've got 4 of them in it, mine since the bashing the hood thing the other day now does this almost hourly. I was hoping to get through this financial crap before I had even to consider the new tank and now I'm more than concerned.

Have you a plan either way? If you sell them your going to need to net them out, if your going to eat them your going to need to net them out, if your going to try the impossible and breed them your going to have to net them out?
Yanbbrox;2798857; said:
So that's a no then, and people say your no fun anymore;)

Seriously though, financially it would not make much sense but from a research point of view it could be interesting. On another note, you've been wanting to get rid/eat them for several months now and reading between the lines(the huge effort you made to save the male) your clearly quite fond of them(deep down somewhere;)). You've got about another 60g on my tank and you've got 4 of them in it, mine since the bashing the hood thing the other day now does this almost hourly. I was hoping to get through this financial crap before I had even to consider the new tank and now I'm more than concerned.

Have you a plan either way? If you sell them your going to need to net them out, if your going to eat them your going to need to net them out, if your going to try the impossible and breed them your going to have to net them out?

It will be messy no dought, but if they sell all i need do is drain the tank to net them and all other fish in tank. To eat them I need to just gaff/spear them, and do a partial water change.
Tequila;2799399; said:
It will be messy no dought, but if they sell all i need do is drain the tank to net them and all other fish in tank. To eat them I need to just gaff/spear them, and do a partial water change.
Yanbbrox;2801190; said:

I can tell if your laying on the laughing, or if your drunk again and you can't get off the floor ;). But at this point it just looks like she's beefing up for another growth spert. Hopefully!, A growth spert lip to tail and not side to side.

Quikie off topic question Yanbbrox, whatever became of that hole you cut into your back yard?
Tequila;2801930; said:
I can tell if your laying on the laughing, or if your drunk again and you can't get off the floor ;). But at this point it just looks like she's beefing up for another growth spert. Hopefully!, A growth spert lip to tail and not side to side.

Quikie off topic question Yanbbrox, whatever became of that hole you cut into your back yard?
On topic:
I just love the throw away phrase of after gaffing your life fish in the tank of doing a 'partial' water change;)

Off topic:
The weather has been crap to say the least I took the decision to shut it down over the winter as although fish would be ok they'd not only be a pain to purchase but also it's not the best time of year to add cold water fish. Water is fine with no leaks apart from the middle chamber which won't take long to fix up. Apart from an algae problem nothing serious(which will be solved by a UV) and laying down the rest of the flags it's done. Two days work max. The plan was to turn everything off until the spring, add the uv and run the system for a month with the pond covererd to remove any algae that's still about then add fish. That was before my impending doom at work, cash wise I only need the UV and although not a necessity a faster pump. If I can land a job quickly when I get laid off it should be done by the end of April, with only the deck over the filters to sort out.

Yanbbrox;2803932; said:
On topic:
I just love the throw away phrase of after gaffing your life fish in the tank of doing a 'partial' water change;)

Off topic:
The weather has been crap to say the least I took the decision to shut it down over the winter as although fish would be ok they'd not only be a pain to purchase but also it's not the best time of year to add cold water fish. Water is fine with no leaks apart from the middle chamber which won't take long to fix up. Apart from an algae problem nothing serious(which will be solved by a UV) and laying down the rest of the flags it's done. Two days work max. The plan was to turn everything off until the spring, add the uv and run the system for a month with the pond covererd to remove any algae that's still about then add fish. That was before my impending doom at work, cash wise I only need the UV and although not a necessity a faster pump. If I can land a job quickly when I get laid off it should be done by the end of April, with only the deck over the filters to sort out.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: