Tequila;2811922; said:The fish in the bottom photo is a RTGG, this I'm positive of. I also don't believe that the two photos are of the same fish. This is only my opion
it has nothing to do with the coloration of the two fish ( my rtgg's change color the time, except the dominate male). But rather on the fins shape and size.
100% RTGG,george the giant gourami;2814586; said:its probably the angle. i kid you not, its the same fish.
the second pic looks alot better with the colors.
so its a RTGG! or is it![]()
Nice pics, thanks for the post, bit early to tell but looks like a girldragonfish;2819680; said:A few more pics of the beast to be.
Yanbbrox;2820224; said:Nice pics, thanks for the post, bit early to tell but looks like a girl
Girl or boy, doesn't really matter I was just helping out for when someone proves me wrongdragonfish;2820284; said:Doesn't really matter or does it? Anything special about male vs. female? Anyway as stated, this fish is the fault of you few on this thread. And it is quickly becoming apparent why you guys love them so much. At about four inches this thing is already like a puppy dog. I had to do telephoto to get profile shots because when you walk up it just keeps looking at you. Doesn't seem bothered by any other fish but does seem to dislike one oscar who is kind of puny and beaten. Open the lid and he/she is right there to be fed, already eating out of hand. I'm just glad everyone is still small, when you stick your hand in and three oscars, a gg and a CK all come up and start nibbling it could get ugly. So thanks guys I will probably be in this thread regularly to ask, aid, and annoy![]()