GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
george the giant gourami;2862041; said:
i guess my GG is not a baby anymore :(

came home today and saw a missing piece of fin on GG, i guess 2pac (pacu) went gangsta crazy :eek:

got a fluval 405 and surprise how clear the water is. any suggestion on filtration to put in it?

Mainly depends on tank size amount of fish and your feeding habits - but I would use 3 grades of gravel. And run it like a biological filter, never cleaning it or at least not for the first year.
george the giant gourami;2862041; said:
i guess my GG is not a baby anymore :(

came home today and saw a missing piece of fin on GG, i guess 2pac (pacu) went gangsta crazy :eek:

got a fluval 405 and surprise how clear the water is. any suggestion on filtration to put in it?
Depends on the current filtration in the tank?

dragonfish;2863613; said:
What do you think of this guy/gal
Looks fairly beat up, what happened?

The fins should heal up with treatment, the damage is not as bad as it looks so they should grow back, is that main body trauma at the back?
Here's the story. Go to the LFS and see her in a tank marked 19.99. Ask one of the guys if she was a trade in due to condition and size(about 6-7 inches). Gives a noncommital yes. Talk to one of the managers and he says it was his fish. Had put a male in with her and she beat it up. Said male had a growth spurt, got a lot larger and returned the favor. He decided to get rid of her. Says had her for a year in a 120 and fed basically pellets and meat based proteins, no vegetation at all. So I took her for 14.99 and am hoping for the best. Is she an RTGG? I asked him and he said she never displayed any red.
dragonfish;2864733; said:
Here's the story. Go to the LFS and see her in a tank marked 19.99. Ask one of the guys if she was a trade in due to condition and size(about 6-7 inches). Gives a noncommital yes. Talk to one of the managers and he says it was his fish. Had put a male in with her and she beat it up. Said male had a growth spurt, got a lot larger and returned the favor. He decided to get rid of her. Says had her for a year in a 120 and fed basically pellets and meat based proteins, no vegetation at all. So I took her for 14.99 and am hoping for the best. Is she an RTGG? I asked him and he said she never displayed any red.
It doesn't look like a red tail, possible a common, difficult to tell from the pictures, looks like a girl though so they got that right.

The fins should heal up, when mine was younger used to rip then all the time when growing, I treated with Myxazin for that. It should also help with the body damaged. I'm not sure if you can get it over there, Pm Lupin he seem to know the best meds.

Good luck, keep us updated
Yanbbrox;2864876; said:
It doesn't look like a red tail, possible a common, difficult to tell from the pictures, looks like a girl though so they got that right.

The fins should heal up, when mine was younger used to rip then all the time when growing, I treated with Myxazin for that. It should also help with the body damaged. I'm not sure if you can get it over there, Pm Lupin he seem to know the best meds.

Good luck, keep us updated

Thanks, will do
Ullopincrate;2862049; said:
I love giant gouramy. I think they are awesome. I'm not sure why they aren't more popular than they are.

most ppl dont know about GG let alone seen one. the reason i know about GG is because my bro kept one when i was growing up. he was huge, ended up giving him away after we moved. too bad i dont have a pic of him. awesome fish!

crazy clowntang;2862565; said:
I think they are not too popular because of their size and the waste they produce. Have you seen when they poo........ BOMBS AWAY!

agreed. i will try to get a pic of my GG pooing

dragonfish;2863613; said:
What do you think of this guy/gal

looks beat up. it doesnt look like a RTGG

Tequila;2863818; said:
Mainly depends on tank size amount of fish and your feeding habits - but I would use 3 grades of gravel. And run it like a biological filter, never cleaning it or at least not for the first year.

3 grades of gravel? sorry noobie here

i am currently runing all 3 types of filteration. my room smells like a fish shop so would running more carbon take care of it?
Never listen to Mrs Y:nilly:
Their really cool fish.. especially the begging, but they also will recognise the person who feeds them the most and sometimes even show aggresion towards other persons by (sorry dont know the right word, im dutch) 'boinking' on the glass.
bonkoland666;2880280; said:
Their really cool fish.. especially the begging, but they also will recognise the person who feeds them the most and sometimes even show aggresion towards other persons by (sorry dont know the right word, im dutch) 'boinking' on the glass.
No need to apologize, banging is the word your looking for
george the giant gourami;2879492; said:
most ppl dont know about GG let alone seen one. the reason i know about GG is because my bro kept one when i was growing up. he was huge, ended up giving him away after we moved. too bad i dont have a pic of him. awesome fish!

agreed. i will try to get a pic of my GG pooing

looks beat up. it doesnt look like a RTGG

3 grades of gravel? sorry noobie here

i am currently runing all 3 types of filteration. my room smells like a fish shop so would running more carbon take care of it?

Gravel sizes Small, Medium, and Large.

If your having odor problems then you need too either cut down on the amount of fish you keep, or the amount of food and times you feed them and or use a larger amount of Ammo-Carb/Ammonia Remover ---> or water polisher like Chemi-Pure, but this could be very expensive depending on where you live.

"i am currently runing all 3 types of filteration" which three types of filteration you referring too?
