GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
dragonfish;2900202; said:
if i use the same water and filter from my old tank, how many days would i need to cycle the new tank?

use the filter and as much water you can from old tank and top up new tank with fresh water , if you are useing substrate also add that to the new tank 1st (from the old tank). you may get a very small spike but genraly you should be good to go , without waiting for any cycle.

cheers col
george the giant gourami;2902841; said:
yanbbrox, you got another GG and its an EEGG? :eek: nice!

if i use the same water and filter from my old tank, how many days would i need to cycle the new tank?
Yes I'm insane. I not convinced it is EEGG but going by the options it's not a red tail and it's not a common which only leaves EE, hopefully we'll find out in a year or so if we get teeth.

As Col pointed out use as much as you can from the old tank unless you plan to keep it up and running. The best way I've found to cycle new tanks is just fill it with dirty water-change water until full. Run the tank for a week or so then add it to the water-change schedule, takes about 2-3 weeks.

If your just keeping the new one, again as Col pointed out if you use the water, filter media and gravel you should get away with it, plus the tank is big enough to handle the spike.

Post some snaps when you get it

tropheus;2904380; said:
use the filter and as much water you can from old tank and top up new tank with fresh water , if you are useing substrate also add that to the new tank 1st (from the old tank). you may get a very small spike but genraly you should be good to go , without waiting for any cycle.
cheers col

got it. thanks.

Yanbbrox;2904443; said:
Yes I'm insane. I not convinced it is EEGG but going by the options it's not a red tail and it's not a common which only leaves EE, hopefully we'll find out in a year or so if we get teeth.

Post some snaps when you get it

lets see more pics of your little guy. i an guessing that you currently have them seperated

two weekend of cleaning, sanding, painting, fixing and getting high from the spray paint :irked: i am almost done! hopefully get it up and running by tonight. now how do i get georgie and 2pacu transfer to the new tank :popcorn: going to use the t-shirt idea on here. i will surely post some pics of this project, before and after pics
fishsikk66;2901715; said:
hey guys

i kept the rtgg separate bcoz the male use to picks on the female and the paroon shark. and when this happens the female jst stays in the corner. i thought i giv the female some more room to grow without the stress. then maybe when they r bigger ill keep them together but for now they r in separatd

but refering to my pic of the rtggg pair..Do u guys see the characteristics on male and female? more color? different head shape?
I forgot to answer, to be honest they both look like males to me, Tequila should be along soon to confirm. The dorsal is normally the easiest way to tell

george the giant gourami;2907171; said:
got it. thanks.

lets see more pics of your little guy. i an guessing that you currently have them seperated

two weekend of cleaning, sanding, painting, fixing and getting high from the spray paint :irked: i am almost done! hopefully get it up and running by tonight. now how do i get georgie and 2pacu transfer to the new tank :popcorn: going to use the t-shirt idea on here. i will surely post some pics of this project, before and after pics
Yeah, they are separated, right now she's in my smallest tank, but not for long. That's one good thing about the GG they just grow and grow no matter the size of the tank with no risk of stunting, still it must be the size of an ocean for the tiny fish.

I'll get some more pictures up later, so much easier now my DSLR is fixed and back home. I've spent the day cleaning 2 tanks, so I'll get some more pictures of George up as well. 50% water change and the internal filter cleaned out so the tank should be nice and shiny.

Good luck on the move, if you fish you could use a landing net:)

:popcorn:for the pictures
:WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:Everyone is invited to the fish fry tonight:WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:

Friday night my dominate male RTGG went nutz again, unfortunately this time all efforts to revive where in vain. After 90 minutes of trying to revive him he expired around 3am Saturday morning. Pictures too follow later on in the week. He was 16 inches in total length and weighed in at 2.5 pounds. And made for 2 good size fillets, to which we should know tonight if they taste as good as they look. And if they do............ I have three more.

Tequila;2907437; said:
:WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:Everyone is invited to the fish fry tonight:WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:

Friday night my dominate male RTGG went nutz again, unfortunately this time all efforts to revive where in vain. After 90 minutes of trying to revive him he expired around 3am Saturday morning. Pictures too follow later on in the week. He was 16 inches in total length and weighed in at 2.5 pounds. And made for 2 good size fillets, to which we should know tonight if they taste as good as they look. And if they do............ I have three more.

Sorry to hear, enjoy the food:)
Here you go Georgetgg:

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Tequila;2907437; said:
:WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:Everyone is invited to the fish fry tonight:WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:

Friday night my dominate male RTGG went nutz again, unfortunately this time all efforts to revive where in vain. After 90 minutes of trying to revive him he expired around 3am Saturday morning. Pictures too follow later on in the week. He was 16 inches in total length and weighed in at 2.5 pounds. And made for 2 good size fillets, to which we should know tonight if they taste as good as they look. And if they do............ I have three more.


Fish fry turned into a fish bake, because I hate the smell of fried fish. But I was more than amazed at the flavor of the beast, way way better than Oscars which taste like mud.

Tequila;2911740; said:
Fish fry turned into a fish bake, because I hate the smell of fried fish. But I was more than amazed at the flavor of the beast, way way better than Oscars which taste like mud.

So then, is it worth them driving you slowly insane over the years on the off chance that one commits suicide worth the taste? Or will you be spear fishing at home soon?

I'm spotting a theme(re the oscar comment), do you try to eat all your dead fish?;)