GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
hey, its a four feet tank..currently is in my outdoor pond. hey loulou dat GG beat the crap out of my giant snakehead and actually killed a asian redtail catfish too..haha mean !!!
hey yanbbrox, gg are abundant in my country..haha lfs do sell them. but they dun look as impressive as the wild ones..i used to keep it wit two albino gg when i 1st brought it back. they got along well for a week then it started to show aggression n b4 u knew it both albino were dead whn i return from my holiday trip..sad.
Matt, you can rinse bio filters just make sure it's done in used tank water
I luv my Redtail Gaint Gouramis but I just gotta get rid of them:cry:, they eat everything I throw in the tank. And there at contant odds with each other. They kick out a gallon or two of water every week or so. But there amazing fish, they'll eat everything from Parsely too 10" earthworms in a single gulp.:popcorn:
Some pics of a group of GG's at a zoo I visited some time ago.

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Looks like we have another elephant ear joining this thread :popcorn:

Those at the zoo look unreal, awesome pics