GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tequila;3337280; said:
There is nothing illegal about Fish Fights. It's done all the time, plus it would be really difficult for anyone to make it illegal as humans eat fish all over the world. It would be difficult to make people feel sorry for the poor GIGANTIC Fish that lost the battle and ended up on the dinner menu.
It was a figure of speech;)
2 and a half years and over 5000 posts later isn't that new to the site.

but good luck on your quest for a GG
I just got a 10in GG about a week ago. I love him so much. His personality reminds me of a big goofy dog. He tries to nuzzle and play with my cat fish. My TSN was none too happy about this and so they got into a couple small scuffles. Now the GG knows better. He will still go over to the TSN corner once and a while and give him a quick nudge and then swim quickly to the other side of the tank like its a game. Doesn't seem like he's trying to be mean I think he want to be buddies. I also have a domino syno in there that rarely comes out of his cave and the GG will swim upsidedown trying to peak in at him. Its really comical:ROFL:
svang55;3340185; said:
2 and a half years and over 5000 posts later isn't that new to the site.

but good luck on your quest for a GG
svang55;3340185; said:
2 and a half years and over 5000 posts later isn't that new to the site.

but good luck on your quest for a GG

svang55;3340385; said:
yea i know,........... but see my edit

???????????????????????,, what edit?????????????????? - I'm lost.
Tequila;3341794; said:
???????????????????????,, what edit?????????????????? - I'm lost.
I think it was in the 'edited by X for X reason' but I still don't get it:nilly:

Good news peeps, Georgina has made a fullish recovery, she's still not herself but is hand feeding and has taken a liking(George style) to the baby oscars I'm growing out in that tank but I've moved things around so they can hide.

Seriously(2.0) I need to get her moved out asap. She was too big when we moved her into the big one, now she's back in the grow out it's going to become cruel to keep her in there much longer, since she's grown so much. I'm still not sure about one of anal fins, one is pink as normal and the other is much darker although she can move it, it doesn't look right at all. I'll try to get a picture up.

Thanks for the kind words everyone:)
Here is the poor girl back in the small tank. I'm going to sort out some O2/large bag with Nige(from the pond thread), he doesn't know this yet but I don't think he'll have an issue with giving me a lift. Hopefully I can get her shipped out to a better home within a week. Yes the tank does look small for her, but she can swim and turn around and I'm water changing every other day.

If the stocking police are reading, what would you rather do?
A: Recover from injuries in a small tank and chill out for a week before being shipped to a more suitable tank.
B: Be beaten to death by a bigger fish.

One word for you RTC, anyway;)

Here is where she was going/went(George is about 3 times the size of Georgina):

I've just noticed previewing this, George has had another go at the spraybar, a hobby of his:nilly:
:) that georgina pulled through
:( that you have to let her go

hope she finds a good home!! if not, i wouldnt mind adopting her :D

luv the setup of your tanks. pics of the RTC?