GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I love em!!! Try to get a tank 2+1/2 by 2+1/2 (750x750)!!! 2x2 (600x600) is no good for big fish like giant gouramis and pacus etc, because by the time u invest the time and effort to grow yr favourate pet up, they need a bigger tank. And its after all that time u realize the big fish u now cherish cant even turn/get past other fish/hide from other bullying fish etc. Also, if the tank is to small initially, u will stunt them, and u risk the fish clamoing their fins when they're unhappy or scared, which will bend and kink the bones in the fins. These kinks and bends in the fins look ugly over time and is irreversible!
Do the females get the bump on the head too or just the males?
hi im new to this site aswell betty my 23in gg is housed in a 190gal 7x2x2 tank with a 27in fire eel small arowana clown louches birches archer fish and variouse overs all is well. have to keep on top of water changes thow!!!!
ethnics;678220; said:
Mines not quite a huge monster yet, but i have a red tail giant gourami. he might be a lowgrade tho because he doesn't have much red at all. just getting big. only had it for about 4 months maybe n it grew from 3" to about 10" and thats height and length. pretty agressive towards tankmates. always down to eat some food.