GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yanbbrox;1309242; said:
Bruce, any updated pic/vids on yours ggs?
Heres some pics and a vid of my RTGG:


You can also see my standard GG in this pic:

It looks like you RTGG is missing the same bit of fin that George keeps losing?
Bruce, your tank is lovely. :) Is it tough to clean? Especially the gravel?
How often do you w/c Bruce? From the vid it looks like you've got him in a rio 300?
Quick Question... Can anyone tell me what else besides fish food do you people feed your GG & RTGG, veggi wise. At present I feed mine a mixture of Baby Bachoy, Lettaces, Celery Leafs & Spinach.
Lettuce, celery all good, I'll have to try spinach see how it goes. To be honest ours eats anything
Yanbbrox;1318110; said:
Lettuce, celery all good, I'll have to try spinach see how it goes. To be honest ours eats anything

YEah I feed mine way too much of everything, thats why I was thinking of having one or two for dinner, if I don't sell them. But I still like them too much. :)

I feed mine anything from Lettuce, celery, Spinach, Bachoi, Parsely, Corn Niblets, Earthworms, Blackworms, Krill, Prawn, Freezed Dried Mealworms, Live Superworms, TetraMin ReptoMin, Hikari Carnivore Sinking Pellets, OSI Blood Parrot Pellets, Cichlid Gold Pellets, Rice (Cooked). HEck they eat almost better than me.:WHOA: