I understand the point, I really do. I get your point about keeping them in groups. Most aggressive fish do best in odd numbers, as like you say they are too busy watching each other.Tequila;4632681; said:
Oops there is a third way: get and keep fish that can be kept together, read up on the fish your buying before you buy it. Make sure that you can house it for as long as your willing to keep the fish. And always remember that while you may keep fish for your enjoyment, fish don't necessarily enjoy being kept in tiny glass, wood or plastic containers, that you think are large enough for them to spend there lives in. There is a reason fish are from different parts of the world and different bodies of water. So far I have yet too see a Monster tank that can take the place of a fishes natural home. that includes what his name's 52K gallon tank.
As for the comment on a 52 gallon tank being worse than the wild, I just don't get that, you can stock it with what you want and eliminate predators so in a way you are making it a better safer home than the wild. On the other hand predators do a good job in the wild of managing populations and stopping them getting out of control and tend to target sick fish therefore getting them out of the system.
OMG, can open, worms everywhere
You could also argue that if a fish breeds in it's glass home then it is doing exactly what it does in nature so the glass home becomes nature to the fish and is no better or worse than the wild.
I've a great idea, why don't we all build 52k tanks, stock them only with GG of all varieties and the first one to breed them wins