GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
hey guys, im new to Giant Gouramis so just wanted advice before i get a few of them my self. anyone have info on these kind of fish? growth rate, diet, compatibuility? thanks in advance :)
Definition: gou.rami (goo ra'me, goor e me') NOUN pl.-.mies or -.mi, any of various families of tropical fresh water percoid fishes; esp., a nest building food fish of southeast Asia.

Species: There are 4 main species of giant gouramis, giant gourami (Osphronemus gorami), Siamese gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis), Red tail (Osphronemus laticlavius), kissing gourami (Helostoma temmincki).

Description: This beautiful fish can reach sizes of 70cm (28") or more, but in captivity rarely reach sizes over 40cm(16"). They have an oval body shape and their color ranges from gray to white with some spotting or dots. Giant gouramis have a strong personality and very intelligent even to the point of recognition. They have been known to live for 20 years or longer with appropriate care.
These fascinating fish have a special organ called a labyrinth organ which allows them to breath air from the surface. The labyrinth organ is a suprabranchial accessory formed by vascularized expansion of the epibranchial bone of the first gill arch. The fish are not born with the organ, but develop it gradually.

Sexing: Males develop a nuchal hump on the head and have longer and more pointed dorsal and anal fins in contrast to the females which have noticeably more rounded fins.

Feeding: Giant gourami are omnivores with an enormous appetite and can grow very quickly. They will eat a wide range of food including but not limited to: flake food, pellet food, feeder fish, fruit and most vegetables.

Behavior: They are predatory but are often called a gentle giant and can be kept with a large variety of fish species as long as they are large enough to not be eaten.

Breeding: The male will build a bubble nest utilizing plant material just below the water’s surface. Wrapping around the female, the male will collect the eggs into his mouth and place them into the nest. The eggs hatch in 24 hours. The male will jealously guard the nest even becoming aggressive towards the female.

Tank Maintenance and Requirements: Due to the large appetite, weekly water changes are recommended. A minimum tank size of 300 gallons is recommended.

Common diseases: Some diseases that have been found in or on the giant gourami are Achlya (a fungus infection caused by bacteria infecting the skin and gills producing a toxic substance damaging epithelial cells), Epizootic ulcerative syndrome(EUS) (an infection known as Aphanomyces invadans or Aphanomyces piscicida affecting the kidneys, liver and muscular tissues usually developing red spots or small to large ulcerative lesions on the body), Lernaea (a crustacean parasite infecting the skin and gills), Trypanosoma (an internal parasite found in the blood of giant gourami in Thailand).[/
thanks for the info piggy67.
saw some of the pics of your gourami. is that the red tail gourami? can you post some juvy pics of it?
and would the Osphronemus gorami grow bigger than Osphronemus laticlavius?
would like to set up a my 420g tank for a few of those :) any suggestions?
ExtraMe;4918065; said:
thanks for the info piggy67.
saw some of the pics of your gourami. is that the red tail gourami? can you post some juvy pics of it?
and would the Osphronemus gorami grow bigger than Osphronemus laticlavius?
would like to set up a my 420g tank for a few of those :) any suggestions?
Lativlavius grows much smaller, still huge by normal standards though.
hey guys, can anyone post pictures of juvie
Osphronemus gorami, Trichogaster pectoralis, Osphronemus laticlavius, kissing gourami?
wanted to make sure what kind of gourami the LFS has before buying

thanks for the info Yanbbrox. really want a couple of
hope i could find a few of those here in the philippines :)
ExtraMe;4920509; said:
hey guys, can anyone post pictures of juvie
Osphronemus gorami, Trichogaster pectoralis, Osphronemus laticlavius, kissing gourami?
wanted to make sure what kind of gourami the LFS has before buying

thanks for the info Yanbbrox. really want a couple of
hope i could find a few of those here in the philippines :)
Osphronemus gorami:
Trichogaster pectoralis:
Osphronemus laticlavius:
kissing gourami

More than likely two will fight.