In most cases almost all GGs kept together will fight, it can be done though, obviously the bigger the tank the more chance of success.ExtraMe;4921128; said:Thanks Yanbbrox!
and do you mean that its hard to keep 2 laticalvios in 1 tank?
In most cases almost all GGs kept together will fight, it can be done though, obviously the bigger the tank the more chance of success.ExtraMe;4921128; said:Thanks Yanbbrox!
and do you mean that its hard to keep 2 laticalvios in 1 tank?
Should do, the don't share the same water space so the chances are good. Things like aros and ggs don't tend to work as the use the same water space i.e. the top of the tank. GGs don't need to swim there but to the labyrinth gland they feel better occupying that space.ExtraMe;4921336; said:oh okey, thanks for the info.
hope i would have success mixing with channa in a 420 gal tank
420 is surely large enough for 2 GG's plus 3 channas. If you want two GG's i suggest O.laticlavius or 1 lacti and 1 gorami. Not only do Osphonemus gorami grow larger but they are way more aggressive and the chances of two mature O. gorami getting along is slim in anything short of a monster sized pond. These fish have a huge personality so its going to depend on the individual fish. They can be very picky about tankmates sooo your going to have to stock according to the likes/dislikes of your gourami. Giant gourami are not an easy fish to house with others, considering their temperment but again it depends on the individual fish. Good luck, they are a wonderful species and jaw dropping when fully grown.ExtraMe;4922739; said:ok! thanks again. im getting excited! im going to pick up my GG tom! thanks for all the help. i hope i could keep 2 GG and 3 Channas in my tank