GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ExtraMe;4926057; said:
thanks for all the info guys!
i have picked up my GG's a while ago and they doing well in my quaranteen tank. i hope they grow fast so i could put them in with my channas :)
also can i keep O. gorami with a group of pacu?
i'd also like some O. laticalvus but its hard to find some here in the philippines
Pacu is a no no. Your looking at a 600 gallon tank minimum for one adult fish.
Yanbbrox;4927077; said:
Pacu is a no no. Your looking at a 600 gallon tank minimum for one adult fish.

I agree and they are nippers. They will definately nip the filamental rays/fins/tail of the GG or any other large fish.
ExtraMe;4929776; said:
another question, do gg's lie down?

I've never saw a GG lie down except when sick but it could just be the fish. Maybe he/she likes it, they are funny that way but i've only seen my O gorami lie down twice and both times he was sick. First time he got a fungus from uneaten fruit/veggies(be sure to remove any uneaten fruits/veggies in and under decor), it covered his whole body and took me weeks to nurse him back to health:nilly:(pimafix). Second time was from over feeding while i was on vacation(seems ppl cant understand what a "pinch" and a "couple" is. Params went through the roof from all the uneaten food, I had to cut my vacation short to come home and do emergency WC to remove all the crap in my tank.:irked:
ExtraMe;4929260; said:
ok, good thing i asked first before buying haha.
are oscars better tank mates for GG?
what is the growth rate of a GG?
Oscars could work but again, your going to have to stock according to the likes/dislikes of the individual fish.
I stock africans, they add color and activity to the tank and he doesnt mind smaller fish(stopped eating feeders at about 3 years of age), anything larger than 4"-5" he will torment and eventually kill. They ALL have their own personality, likes and dislikes.

ExtraMe;4929260; said:
ok, good thing i asked first before buying haha.
are oscars better tank mates for GG?
what is the growth rate of a GG?

They can grow fast.

Oscars might work but its up to the personality of the fish. I had one with my adult GG for a year. Mine tolerates lots of different tankmates but I've had one that hated other fish and would not leave them alone.

Pacus can work in a massive tank - one aquarium I went to had 20 odd GG in with about the same number of pacu and rtc's. Obviously it was an enormous tank but it was the most awesome thing I have seen.
Piggy is correct about having to stock to there likes and RTGG hated my Ocsar using the 210 as a grow out the minute it seen him (moved it out 1hr later) but loves my wifes silver aro in there now using it as a grow out tank.
Could they be tired of swimming? water current in the tank seems pretty strong for them i guess haha would that be the cause why my gg lies down?
Yanbbrox;4924148; said:
If it's structurally sound then a quick patch up might work, PM Bobby(Pharaoh) and he might be able to help with advise on the leak if it's bad.

Still in touch with Ben, it's hard to believe that little fish he had has grown into such a beast?

yeah, ben is the guy that i go to for all my questions.

i think i was half asleep eyeballing PorkChop, i think its more like 20 inches.

ExtraMe;4932300; said:
Could they be tired of swimming? water current in the tank seems pretty strong for them i guess haha would that be the cause why my gg lies down?

extrame, i think you should test the water. i believe petsmart will test it for free it you dont have a test kit.