GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ExtraMe;4972551; said:
hey guys, here's a pic of my GG.
please help me identify it

Osphonemus gorami....
piggy67;4972641;4972641 said:
I agree , an educated guess wouldnt be very educated at this age, however most ppl only look at the dorsal fin with no regard to the anal fin. The anal fin should also be considered when trying to determine the sex as they will be pointy(male) and round(female) as well. With that said, the fins are not the final word of the sex of an individual fish, they grow according to the genes of a fish and males can have round fins and vice versa. Sexing a GG can be very tricky even when mature and most of the time it is only an educated guess. Unless you have a pair form and the male builds a nest/female produces eggs it IS a guess or an educated guess at best..If i had to guess, i would also say female due to the round anal fins but as stated by the great Yanbbrox "Age will tell truth" or atleast a more educated guess due to the fact that the dorsal/anal fins will be more developed.

Good luck with your gorgeous GG..

Thanks for your advice!
ray00ching;4972785;4972785 said:
Thanks for your advice!
I forgot to mention that looking at all the GG in the shop when I picked up mine,
they all have round anal fin. Only difference is some have pointy dorsal fin while other have round dorsal fin. I guess that is the reason the shop owner told me mine is a male. Also mine was the biggest one and very agressive towards other GG. However,
he(she) knows my jardini arowana is the boss in my tank now and acts very gentle towards my angelfish and paroon shark.
piggy67;4972641; said:
I agree , an educated guess wouldnt be very educated at this age, however most ppl only look at the dorsal fin with no regard to the anal fin. The anal fin should also be considered when trying to determine the sex as they will be pointy(male) and round(female) as well. With that said, the fins are not the final word of the sex of an individual fish, they grow according to the genes of a fish and males can have round fins and vice versa. Sexing a GG can be very tricky even when mature and most of the time it is only an educated guess. Unless you have a pair form and the male builds a nest/female produces eggs it IS a guess or an educated guess at best..If i had to guess, i would also say female due to the round anal fins but as stated by the great Yanbbrox "Age will tell truth" or atleast a more educated guess due to the fact that the dorsal/anal fins will be more developed.

Good luck with your gorgeous GG..

Very true indeed, sexing of GGs is difficult at best, most are based on experience but all are educated guesses.

I doubt many people have even seen a GG make a nest due the fact that home breeding is almost impossible due to many factors.

piggy67;4972650; said:
Osphonemus gorami....

Wow a blast from the past, can't remember the last time I've seen you post.

Cool fish, and I'd just like to point out the silvers tail for the people who think it can't be done.
TheMightyOscar;4973435; said:
picked this one up yesterday, 8"..
Very nice GG..:D
Ok I got this fish the other day. First time I ever owned a gouramis.

By far the weirdest fish Ive ever owned. I bought him used I think hes a couple years old. I put him in the tank just last night and he will stare at me anytime I come near the tank. When i leave he sulks and when he sees my wife he gets really pissed and starts tearing the tank up. He scares the crap out of my silver who is 2x as big as him just by looking at him. He comes up and sips on some air every 5 minutes or so.

Anyway hes in my 270 gal and seems very happy. Hes about 13" long and his name is BIG EARN McCRACKEN.

I know very little about him and im just posting up here to see. Feel free to add suggestions or whatever you want. Thanks for the help!!!

1) what kind of GG he is?
2) male or female?
3) how much bigger is he going to get?
4) He doesnt seem to want to eat to much, which suprises me. Iv tried algae wafers, hikiri sticks, pellets and some other stuff. He just seems to grind most of it up and spit it out. What should I try. veggies?




thanks for the id piggy,
i'm a bit sad, my GG's keep on fighting. i think ill just separate them or give the others back to my LFS and trade them for other fish